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05: Scientific Excellence and Social Responsibility – How do they go together?

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Complex social problems such as demographic change or energy transition are challenging science. They cannot be dealt with without scientific expertise and rely on interdisciplinary knowledge. In science today, however, it is mainly “Excellence” which is rewarded, a criterion based on the quality standards found within individual disciplines. How can we overcome this tension between the individual and the collective? This seminar provides an overview of the current discussions and alternatives.

Professor, Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair in the Sociology of Science, TUM - Technische Universität München Chair
Head, Research Group, Science Policy Studies, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin Chair

Dr. rer. soc. Sabine MAASEN

Professor, Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair in the Sociology of Science, TUM - Technische Universität München

2001 Habilitation, Sociology
2001-2009 Professor, Science Studies/Sociology of Science, University of Basel
2010-2013 Professor, Science Studies/Sociology of Science, University of Basel
since 2013 Professor, Sociology of Science (Friedrich Schiedel Endowed Chair of Sociology of Science), Technical University of Munich
Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professorship
since 2014 Head, MCTS - Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technical University of Munich

Dr. Dagmar SIMON

Head, Research Group, Science Policy Studies, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin

1978 1. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien
1986 Dr., Political Theory
1989-1993 Lektorin und wissenschaftliche Referentin am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
1993-2007 Leitung des Referats Forschungsplanung und -koordination des Wissenschaftszentrums Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
1999-2002 Leitung (mit Maria Oppen) der interdisziplinären WZB-Querschnitts-gruppe, Geschlecht, Arbeit, Organisation
2004-2007 Leitung (mit Andreas Knie) der Projektgruppe,Wissenschaftspolitik am WZB
2006-2007 Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung, wissenschaftliche Koordination
2013-2015 Geschäftsführerin der TU-Campus EUREF GmbH
since 1998 Beratungstätigkeiten für außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen
since 2008 Leitung der Forschungsgruppe, Wissenschaftspolitik am WZB

Seminar Week

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Genre : all


15:00 - 15:30Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2016Plenary
15:30 - 16:00Opening SpeechesPlenary
16:00 - 16:30A Midsummer Night’s Dream – a TeaserCulture
17:00 - 18:30Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary
18:30 - 20:00Bread and WineSocial


Seminar 01: Beyond MapsSeminar
Seminar 02: Common Challenges to the European and African Union – Climate, Demography, MigrationSeminar
Seminar 03: Religion and PowerSeminar
Seminar 04: World Water Resources and Human Well-Being at Risk – Trends, Data and GovernanceSeminar
Seminar 05: Scientific Excellence and Social Responsibility – How do they go together?Seminar
Seminar 06: The European Union and Its Eastern NeighboursSeminar
Seminar 07: (Economic-)Policy for Progress – The Return of the “Magic Polygon”Seminar
Seminar 08: Biological or Synthetic Evolution?Seminar
Teach For Austria Summer School: Changemaker Lab – Sapere aude!Seminar
Seminar 09: Rule of Law in China and EuropeSeminar
Seminar 10: Utility of Force in the 21st CenturySeminar
Seminar 11: The European Ethos and the SacredSeminar
Seminar 12: Towards a Sustainable Global Carbon LoopSeminar
Seminar 13: Gender Issues in Complex SocietiesSeminar
Seminar 14: Art as Enlightenment in Post-Enlightenment Times?Seminar
Seminar 15: Smart Factory: Social Effects – Prospects for Employment – Impacts on Work and OrganisationSeminar
Seminar 16: Understanding Big DataSeminar
Theatre Workshop with Students of the Royal Academy for Dramatic Art (RADA), LondonSeminar


07:00 - 13:00Alpbach Open SpaceBreakout