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07: Minority politics in a comparative perspective

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

The seminar will focus on the past and present of the European policies and on the political and legal thoughts concerning ethnical as well national minorities. Offering a synthetic perspective linking legal, social, institutional and historical analysis, it focuses on the major paradigm shifts from the 19th century up to the current debates on the “new minorities” The Seminar will offer a special insight about the developments in Eastern Europe, while also considering the global legal and political developments. Arguably, a laboratory of various (progressive and highly destructive) policies and theories concerning the solution of the “minority questions” are discussed these days.
The seminar will approach the subject through case studies, readings and film material.

Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano Chair
Head, History Department, Central European University, Budapest Chair
Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, EURAC - European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano Chair


Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, Eurac Research, Bozen/Bolzano

 Sergiu Constantin is a researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights, Eurac Research and -coordinator of the institute’s science communication activities. He holds a law degree from the University of Bucharest and a Master of European Studies from the University of Graz. He served as a governmental legal expert within the Department for Protection of National Minorities of the Romanian Government. His current research activities deal with human rights, minority rights and diversity governance in Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. His projects focus mainly on language rights, political participation and territorial/cultural autonomy arrangements from a comparative perspective. He has published several papers, articles and book chapters and lectured on the above-mentioned subjects in various seminars and postgraduate programmes in Europe and beyond. Sergiu is a co-managing editor of the European Yearbook of Minority Issues and managing editor of the upcoming book Minority Protection by Multiple Diversity Governance: Law, Ideology and Politics in European Perspective.


Head, History Department, Central European University, Budapest

2004 Ph.D, Central European, Department of History, University of Budapest
2008-2013 Principal Investigator, European Research Council, Budapest
2011-2014 Assistant Professor, Central European University, Department of History, University of Budapest
2011-2016 Associate Professor, Central European University, Department of History, University of Budapest
since 2005 Associate Editor, Budapest
Editor, Periodical East Central Europe, Brill Publishers, Budapest
since 2009 Editor, Book Series Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Perspectives in Global Context, Brill Publishers, Budapest
since 2016 Professor, Central European University, Department of History, University of Budapest


Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, EURAC - European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano

since 2008 Researcher, Institute for Minority Rights, EURAC Research, Bozen
2017-2018 Post-Doc and Lecturer, Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel; Visiting Researcher, European University Institute, Florence; University of Edinburgh; University of Corte

Seminar Week

show timetable
Genre : all


15:00 - 16:15Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2018Plenary
16:15 - 16:30The Last Days of Mankind – OpeningPlenary
17:00 - 19:00Presentation of the seminarsPlenary
19:00 - 20:30Bread and WineSocial


Seminar 01: The EU and its eastern and southern neighbours: resilience as a strategic prioritySeminar
Seminar 02: Digital transformation: Opportunities, risks, sustainability and resilienceSeminar
Seminar 03: Gender dynamics in changing societiesSeminar
Seminar 04: Physics meets economics – climate science and policySeminar
Seminar 05: Resilience and development policySeminar
Seminar 06: Precision medicine and its impact on societySeminar
Seminar 07: Minority politics in a comparative perspectiveSeminar
Seminar 08: Artificial intelligence and EthicsSeminar
Seminar 09: Economic shocksSeminar
Seminar 10: The unknown world of microbiomes: from the environment to humansSeminar
Seminar 11: European Security – Moving towards resilience?Seminar
Seminar 12: Urban resilience to environmental challengesSeminar
Seminar 13: Mission to Mars – Education for changeSeminar
Seminar 14: Linguistic diversity: A resource for individual and communal resilienceSeminar
Seminar 15: Ethics in Action: Economics and Sustainable DevelopmentSeminar
Seminar 16: Microbiome diversity vs. microbiological controlSeminar
Seminar 17: Our work in our futureSeminar
Seminar 18: Reproductive RightsSeminar
Seminar 19: Warrior of the Heart – DojoSeminar
Seminar 20: Spoken word poetry: The power of languageSeminar
Seminar 21: Why is it called a play?Seminar
Seminar 22: European Citizenship – Attitudes and Skills for a Democratic Youth CultureSeminar


17:00 - 18:00Online Disinformation: A guest lecture on journalismPlenary


16:00 - 19:00FAN ReceptionSocial
17:00 - 19:00ReceptionSocial