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13: How Can the Transition to a Low-Carbon Society Work? (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Coping with the climate crisis requires the cooperation of all stakeholders. Together with natural scientists, economists, philosophers and lawyers, the participants of the Alpbach Learning Mission will discuss the possible pathways to the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon society.

After the Seminar Week, this seminar will turn into an Alpbach Learning Mission (ALM).

Professor for Hydrogeology, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Graz Chair
Professor of Geophysics; Director, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz Chair
Head, Department of Philosophy, University Graz Chair
Associate Professor, Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, University of Graz Chair
Professor of Public Law and Economic Law, Institute of Public Law and Political Science, University of Graz Chair
Programme Leader, Human Dimensions Programme, Wegener Center of Climate and Global Change; Professor, Department of Economics, University of Graz Chair

Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Steffen BIRK

Professor for Hydrogeology, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Graz

 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Birk is an expert in quantitative hydrogeology with more than 20 years experience in the characterization and modelling of groundwater resources. He received his PhD in the field of Applied Geology at the University of Tübingen in 2001. Since 2006, he holds the Professorship in Hydrogeology at the University of Graz. He has been Associate Editor of the Journals Grundwasser and Groundwater for many years and is a member of the Committee on Geo-/Hydro-Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He has published about 50 peer-reviewed journal papers and has been involved in various research projects funded by international and national funding agencies. Throughout the last years, he has become increasingly involved in research on climate change impacts on water resources, for instance, within the Doctoral Programme (DK) Climate Change funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Gottfried KIRCHENGAST

Professor of Geophysics; Director, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz

 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast is professor of geophysics with focus on atmospheric and climate science at the University of Graz (Alfred Wegener’s Chair), honorary professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, adjunct professor at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia, and member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is director of the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (, speaker of the University of Graz Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz, and head of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission Climate and Air Quality, among other lead functions. He (co-)authored more than 300 publications, advised more than 40 PhD students, and made as well as continues to make pioneering research and international leadership contributions in the fields of Earth observation and climate science. More information:

Dr. Lukas MEYER

Head, Department of Philosophy, University Graz

 Studies of Philosophy, political Science, History and Public international Law at the University of Tübingen, Free University Berlin, Washington University in St. Louis, Yale Law School and the University of Oxford.
1987 Master in Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis
1990 Diploma in Political Science, Free University Berlin
1990-1995 Research associate (Junior Lecturer), Free University Berlin
1995-2003 Research associate (Lecturer), University of Bremen
1996 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford
2000-2001 Post-doc research project "Historical Justice", Center for Ethics and the Professions Harvard University
2001-2002 Feodor-Lynen Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Columbia University in NYC, School of Law
2003 Habilitation in Philosophy and Political Science, University of Bremen
2004-2005 Permanent Lecturer for Practical Philosophy and Political Theory, University of Keele
2005 Honorary Research Fellow, The Hannover Institute of Philosophical Research, Hannover
2005-2009 Assistant Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Bern, Leader of Master Program "Political and Economic Philosophy"
2006-2007 Visiting Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Zurich
since 2009 Head, Department of Philosophy, University Graz

Dr. Alfred POSCH

Associate Professor, Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, University of Graz

 Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alfred Posch is associate professor at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, and faculty member of the interdisciplinary doctoral school in climate change at the University of Graz, Austria. As dean of studies, he is responsible for the teaching programme at the Faculty of Environmental, Regional, and Educational Sciences of the University of Graz. Besides, he has initialized and coordinated the International Joint Master Programme in Sustainable Development, which is offered by a consortium of eight universities from three continents. In his role as member and speaker of the scientific steering committee of the so-called Montagsakademie he also significantly contributed to the science-public-interaction. Prof. Posch leads a research group focusing on social science research in the field of energy transition, industrial ecology and sustainability. By publishing journal articles and book chapters, editing books and special issues of journals, he contributes to the national and international debate on energy transition, industrial ecology, and sustainable development.


Professor of Public Law and Economic Law, Institute of Public Law and Political Science, University of Graz

 After Studies at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University of Vienna and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) she habilitated 2003 at the University of Vienna and held after visiting professorships at WU and the University of Klagenfurt from 2008-14 a professorship for Law at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). She publishes in the fields of Austrian and European Public Law, Economic Law, Environmental and Climate Change Law as well as Legal Theory and is co-editor of the journal "Law of the Environment" (RdU). Furthermore, she is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences´ Commission on Climate and Air Quality and co-directs (together with G. Kirchengast) the commissions´ working group on climate change law ("AG KlimaSchutzRecht").


Programme Leader, Human Dimensions Programme, Wegener Center of Climate and Global Change; Professor, Department of Economics, University of Graz

1988-1989 Researcher, Dept. of Economics, Technical University of Vienna
1990-1994 Researcher, Dept. of Economics, University of Graz
1994 Consultant, Environment Dept., World Bank, Washington, D.C., Assist. Professor University of Graz
1995 Visiting Scientist UC Berkely, Dept. of Economics
1997 Guest Professor University of Triest
1999 Venia Docendi Economics
Assoc. Professor University of Graz
since 1999 Guest Professor in Resource Economics, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
since 2000 Social Science Delegate, National Global Change Committee, Austrian Academy of Sciences
since 2005 Head of the Human Dimensions Programme (HDP) and WegCenter Deputy Director

Seminar Week

show timetable
Genre : all


15:00 - 17:30Treasure HuntSocial
18:00 - 19:30WelcomePlenary
19:30 - 21:30Bread and WineSocial


09:30 - 13:00Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary
20:00 - 21:00Special Lecture: Global MuckrakingPlenary


Seminar 16: Participatory Leadership – a Practice of Leading by Dialogue and Co-CreationSeminar
Seminar 17: LEADfit – the Art of LeadershipSeminar
Seminar 18: Human-Centered Design: New Design Approaches for Open and Sustainable SocietiesSeminar
Seminar 19: Life is (Not) a Game – Critical Game DesignSeminar
Seminar 20: How Mindfulness Increases ResilienceSeminar
Seminar 21: Warrior of the Heart – DojoSeminar
Seminar 22: Who are You? Spoken Word Poetry: How to Express Yourself in Front of PeopleSeminar
Seminar 23: “It does matter where” – Sensing and Questioning SpaceSeminar
Seminar 24: All the World’s a StageSeminar
Seminar 25: All the World’s a StageSeminar
Seminar 26: Dramatic Thinking: Using Art to Communicate Your Ideas More PowerfullySeminar
Seminar 27: Sing – Listen – Create – LeadSeminar
Seminar 28: Music – a Social Utopia?!Seminar
Seminar 29: All the World’s a StageSeminar


Seminar 01: Innovation in Plant Breeding – Opportunity or Threat for Our Food Security?Seminar
Seminar 02: Europe and the Challenge of DisintegrationSeminar
Seminar 03: Liberty and Security in Africa: Evidence and Voices from the Continent and BeyondSeminar
Seminar 04: Promises and Challenges of UrbanisationSeminar
Seminar 05: Liberty and Security in the Context of Women’s RightsSeminar
Seminar 06: The Global Economic BattlegroundSeminar
Seminar 07: Visual Culture: Images of Power and Power of ImageSeminar
Seminar 08: Politics and Religion: Spaces and Boundaries of FreedomSeminar
Seminar 09: Quantum Technologies – a New Era of InnovationSeminar
Seminar 10: The EU and its Neighbours – EU Foreign Policy Between Ambition and PragmatismSeminar
Seminar 11: Water Security for People and Nature – Present to 2050 (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 12: Noncommunicable Diseases – How to Control and Prevent Them (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 13: How Can the Transition to a Low-Carbon Society Work? (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 14: Intellectual Self-Defence (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 15: Digital Democracy Lab (Part of Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar


15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


10:30 - 12:00Ceremonial Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2019Plenary
12:00 - 14:00Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 17:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar
20:15 - 21:45International EveningPlenary


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar