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05: Geopolitics in international relations

Seminar /
German and English language

Seminar Outline and Concepts
Dr. Reinhard Heinisch, Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh
(412) 361-6781

Concepts and Points of Discussion:

American Foreign Policy-Its History, Doctrines, Mythologies and National Narratives:
Discusses the American origin myth, security problems, political values and objectives, dominant philosophies, self-perception and perception of others.

European Foreign Policy – The European Experience and Its Consequences:
Discusses European formative experiences and responses, myths and perceptions, the transition from national to transnational, including CFSP & ESDP, relationship with – NATO.

General Concepts of International Relations Theory:
Discusses: power-politics, state/state sovereignty, the world system and its actors, classical/neorealism, (neo)institutionalism, idealism, neoliberalism.

Decision-Making in the US, EU, and International Institutions:
Discusses the roles and institution of the foreign policy making process, such as different US agencies, EU institutions and International Organizations (NATO, UN-SC, OECE, WTO, etc.).

The Transatlantic Relationship – Dominant Issues and Perceptions:
Discusses the emergence and development of the transatlantic relationship over time, focuses on issues of agreement and disagreement.

9/11and Its Consequences
Discusses the new paradox of power and the Bush Doctrine, revisits the neo-conservative.

Iraq — Controversy and Cooperation
Discusses the fallout from the controversy of the war in Iraq and seeks to assess the current state of the transatlantic relationship.

Future Direction of Transatlantic Partnership/Agenda
Seeks to assess the permanent consequences of the transatlantic conflict over Iraq, examines the mutual perception of future global threats and issues, and discusses US troop redeployment and new alliances.

Required Reading:
Elizabeth Pond, Friendly Fire: The Near-Death of the Transatlantic Alliance (Brookings Institution Press 2004
Robert Kagan Of Paradise and Power America an Europe in the New World Order (Knopf 2003, New York)
Fraser Cameron, US Foreign Policy After the Cold War: Global Hegemon or Reluctant Sheriff (Routledge 2002, London)
Zbigniew Brzezinski The Choice Global Domination or Global Leadership (Basic Books 2004, New York)
Joseph S. Nye. The Paradox of American Power – Why the World s only Superpower Can t Go it Alone (Oxford University Press 2002, Oxford)
All of the above texts are all recent, relatively short and very readable; they include European and American authors, including a political practitioner. Moreover, they cover a variety of theoretical perspectives from the most influential neoconservative thinker (Kagan) to more liberal internationalists (Brzezinski) and institutionalists (Nye).

Articles reflecting Classical IR-Theory

Thucydides “Melian Dialogue/Fate of Melos” 431BC History of the Peloponnesian War:

Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Fifth Edition, Revised, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978, pp. 4-15

Just War Doctrine
St. Thomas Aquinas: Whether it is sinful to wage war — Summa Theologica

Current US National Security Strategy:
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

Deputy Director of the "Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision" at the Quai d'Orsay Chair
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh Director of International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Center Chair

Philippe ERRERA

Deputy Director of the "Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision" at the Quai d'Orsay

 Paris Institute of Political Studies (degree)
 French National School of Government (degree)
1996-1998 Counselor in charge of politico-military affairs at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1998-1999 U.S. Department of State's Bureau of European Affairs
1999-2003 French Embassy in Washington, D.C in the Office of European Common Foreign and Security Policy
since 2003 Deputy Director of the "Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision" at the Quai d'Orsay

Dr. Reinhard HEINISCH

Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh Director of International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown Center

1982-1989 University of Vienna Political Science & International Law; English & Spanish:
1988 Summer University at the Lomonosov Institute, Moscow
1986-1987 Virginia Tech, Virginia
1989-1994 Michigan State University, Michigan
1994 Political Science Ph.D. (Dissertation in comparative politics/human rights)
1996 Doktor der Philosophie, Universität Wien


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