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15: Cosmology: From Uniformity to Fragmentation

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

The universe as we know it today was not always be like this and will not always like this. This is the central statement of modern cosmology. The evolutionary history of the cosmos is an example of how the structures which we observe and which first allowed biological evolution, in fact developed from a homogenous original condition through fragmentation. This seminar aims to contribute to a better understanding of the position of humans in the cosmos.

Researcher, Institute of Cosmos Sciences, and Professor, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona Chair
Professor, Faculty of Physics, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld Chair


Researcher, Institute of Cosmos Sciences, and Professor, Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona

1988-1992 PhD Student at University of Barcelona and at the European Southern Observatory
1992 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
1992-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
2010 Accredited as Full Professor
1994-2012 Associate Professor University of Barcelona
since 2012 Senior Research Scientist, CSIC - Institute for Fundamental Physics; Visiting Professor at the Institute of Physics of the Cosmos, University of Barcelona

Dr. Dominik SCHWARZ

Professor, Faculty of Physics, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld

1986-1991 Diploma studies of "Technical Physics" at Technische Universität Wien
1992-1995 Research assistant, Technische Universität Wien
1995 Doctoral degree, Technische Universität Wien
1995-1997 Postdoctoral fellow, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
1997-1999 Humboldt Fellow, J.W.-Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
1999-2002 APART Fellow, Technische Universität Wien
2002-2004 Fellow, CERN, Geneve
since 2004 Professor, Universität Bielefeld

Seminar Week

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