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4 – Europe and the process of globalisation

Seminar /
Seit 1982 Professor für Philosophie an der Universität Hamburg
Senior Research Fellow, Dutch Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael , Den Haag
Professor, Political Economy, Insitute for Finance, University of Innsbruck
Since 1999, professor in cultural sociology at the University of Amsterdam


Seit 1982 Professor für Philosophie an der Universität Hamburg

1968-1977 Assistent Uni Dannheim
1977-1980 Lehrstuhl für Philosophie Universität Osnabrück
1980-1982 Lehrstuhl für Philosophie Universität Düsseldorf

Dr. Bart TROMP

Senior Research Fellow, Dutch Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael , Den Haag

 Studied political science and sociology at the State University of Groningen, where he graduated cum laude in 1971 with a thesis on Western perceptions of the Cultural Revolution in China.
1971-1982 teaching theoretical sociology at the Eindhoven University of Technology
1982-2003 teaching poltical science at the State University of Leiden
since 1979 political columnist of the Amsterdam daily 'Het Parool'
1988 appointed professor in the theory and history of international relations at the University of Amsterdam
since 2001 columnist international affairs of the weekly 'Elsevier
2003 senior research fellow, Dutch Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael
 Founder and co-editor of the 'Jaarboek voor het democratisch socialisme' (Annual Review of Democratic Socialism) of which 25 volumes have been published between 1979 and 2005.


Professor, Political Economy, Insitute for Finance, University of Innsbruck

1973-1977 Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre/Statistik an der Universität Konstanz
1982 Promotion zum Dr.oec.publ., Universität Zürich
1990 Habilitation im Gebiet Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an den Universitäten Zürich und Konstanz (u. a. im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft)
1984-1985 Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
1992 Heisenberg-Stipendiatin
1992-1994 Assistenzprofessur für Forstliche Ressourcenökonomie an der ETH Zürich
1994 Professur (C3) für Finanzwissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
seit 1994 Ordinaria für Politische Ökonomie/Finanzwissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck


Since 1999, professor in cultural sociology at the University of Amsterdam

 Student of sociology at the University of Amsterdam
1972 Graduation and lecturer of sociology at the University of Amsterdam
1984 Dissertation on property relations and wealth distribution in the Netherlands
1986-1987 Jean Monnet-research fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy
1996 guest-professor at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
1992-1998 Norbert Elias-chair in the study of long-term social processes at the University of Utrecht


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