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Special Event 2: The Politics of Technology: A Primer on Innovative Developments that Governments Should Embrace to Kick-Start GNP

Hotel Alpbacherhof
Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

The desire of nations is to provide a better quality of life for their people, including improved access to health care, education, transport as well as luxury goods and facilities. None of these services is free, and the ability of European governments to deliver on election promises is directly related to their efficiency in creating wealth.
Working to a tight schedule during the morning of 27 August, our task force will look at the laws, guidelines and local traditions that directly affect innovation and technology, and therefore wealth creation at the national level. Specifically, our international panel of speakers will examine the power of national policy to enhance global competitiveness.

Chief Executive Officer, Cellzome AG
Secretary General, European Industrial Research Management Association - EIRMA
Representative for EU Affairs, CNC - Communications & Network Consulting AG, Brussels
Universitätsprofessor emeritus
SCK-CEN, Adviser, Applied Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment
Vice President, Technology Policy, Nokia Corporation
Chief Financial Officer, UniCredit Banca Mobiliare (UBM)
Secretary General, The European Round Table of Industrialists, Brussels Chair
Communications project manager in the pharmaceuticals development department of the Roche Group, based in Basel, Switzerland Director, Lexicon Consulting, Basel Coordination

Ph.D. David BROWN

Chief Executive Officer, Cellzome AG

 Since September 2002 President and CEO of Cellzome, an emerging Biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, UK, and Heidelberg, Germany
 At Cellzome, Dr. Brown has focused the company's proteomics platform to create drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and inflammatory diseases.
 Dr Brown 28 years experience in major Pharma and has served with 4 of the top 10 Pharma companies: Roche, Glaxo, Pfizer and Zeneca.
 Global Head of Drug Discovery, Roche Pharma, Basel, Switzerland, where he had responsibility for the output of clinical candidate drugs from approximately 2000 scientists across Roche's 5 research sites.
 Extensive experience of pharmaceutical R&D in all phases from early discovery through clinical trials.
 Experience of leading research in all major disease areas.
 Whilst at Pfizer he was named co-inventor on the patent for Viagra and he led the team that developed Viagra through to proof of concept (clinical efficacy) in man.
 At Roche, in addition to his role in leading Discovery, Dr Brown also served on the committee responsible for clinical drug development and he was a core member of the business development committee responsible for in-licensing of products and for technology agreements and acquisitions.

Dr. Andrew DEARING

Secretary General, European Industrial Research Management Association - EIRMA

1978 Graduated from University of Oxford with Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry.
1978-1998 Range of positions in R&D management and in corporate strategy within the Royal Dutch/Shell group of companies.
1980-1981 Visiting Lecturer at the University of California, San Francisco.
 In 1998, he was seconded to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development as Programme Director for Innovation and Technology.
 Founding member of the UNEP Steering Committees establishing the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre and contributed to the third round of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
 Expert advisor to the European Commission, the OECD and several national governments on matters of innovation and industrial research policy.
 Since 2000 Secretary General, European Industrial Research Management Association - EIRMA

Dr. Hanns R. GLATZ

Representative for EU Affairs, CNC - Communications & Network Consulting AG, Brussels

 Studied law, politics and economics, University of Vienna
 Doctor of laws, University of Vienna
 MA European Studies, College of Europe in Bruges
1968 Private Office, Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Vienna
1970 Ford Europe, Governmental Affairs Office, Brussels
1979 Secretary General of the CLCA, the EU federation of national motor vehicle manufacturers associations, Brussels
1989-2009 Head, Corporate Representative Office for European Affairs, Daimler-Benz (now Daimler AG), Brussels
since 2010 Head of Brussels Office, CNC - Communications & Network Consulting AG, International

Dr. Giselher GUTTMANN

Universitätsprofessor emeritus

1963 Promotion
1959 Mitarbeiter am Institut für Psychologie Wien
1961 Assistent in Erlangen
1964 Assistent in Wien
1968 Habilitation und Berufung auf ein Extraordinariat
1972 Ordinariat für Angewandte Psychologie
1973 Ordinariat für Allgemeine Psychologie (Nachfolge Rohracher)
1975 Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät
1976 Dekan der Grund- und Integrativwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
1983 Mitglied der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
2000 Gründungsrektor der Universität für Humanwissenschaften in Liechtenstein


SCK-CEN, Adviser, Applied Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment

 Academic degrees in theoretical physics and nuclear engineering from the University of Ghent, Belgium
 Within the framework of the Project on Integration of Social Aspects into Nuclear Research (PISA) of the SCK-CEN, he is PISA Program Manager and research track leader of the 'Sustainability and Nuclear Development' project (SuND)
 He is a member of IAEA & OECD/NEA expert groups on the technical and socio-economical aspects of (nuclear) technology
 He is invited independent expert to the FORATOM Task Force on Sustainable Development, the FORATOM Climate Change Working Group and the World Nuclear Association Sustainable Development Strategy Group
 Since two years, he is the European Nuclear Society representative to the negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
 As the chairman of the European Nuclear Society Program Committee, he is responsible for the ENS conference profiling and long term strategy
 Within SCK-CEN, he is project leader of the International School for Radiological Protection (isRP)

Dr. techn. Erkki ORMALA

Vice President, Technology Policy, Nokia Corporation

1974 M.Eng. Degree
1986 Dr.Tech. Degree, Helsinki University of Technology
1974-1987 Research engineer at the Technical Research Centre of Finland
1976 visiting scholar at Stanford University in the USA
1982 International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis in Austria.
1987-1999 Secretary of the Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland
1999 he joined Nokia Group as Director, Technology Policy.
 His responsibilities cover technology policy, knowledge management, university co-operation, future watch and issues relating to information society.

PhD Ferdinando SAMARIA

Chief Financial Officer, UniCredit Banca Mobiliare (UBM)

1991 BA
1994 MA and PhD in Engineering from Trinity College, Cambridge University
 2 years researching in the field of Image Processing with Olivetti Research Laboratories in Cambridge
1996 joins Credit Suisse Financial Products, London
1998 moves to UniCredito Italiano as managing director in the area of risk management


Secretary General, The European Round Table of Industrialists, Brussels

 Business, marketing and law degrees
1970 Heineken Breweries in the Netherlands, management positions covering South & Central America, the Caribbean and Western Europe
1979 joined Ciba-Geigy in the Netherlands and held subsequent commercial and managerial positions in Zimbabwe and Greece
1994-1998 Head of the European Union Relations Office of Ciba-Geigy in Brussels, subsequently ran a political and legal consultancy firm
 Since 1998 appointed Secretary General of the European Round Table of Industrialists


Communications project manager in the pharmaceuticals development department of the Roche Group, based in Basel, Switzerland Director, Lexicon Consulting, Basel

 Degrees in Physics and Communications
 Started communications career in radio journalism
 Later recruited into first the chemicals, then pharmaceutical industries as a communications expert
 Moderator/facilitator at senior level data-discovery and experience-sharing meetings in the areas of business, law-enforcement and politics
 Proprietor of Lexicon, a communications agency providing consultancy in the areas of strategic public and media relations, and in reputation and issue management
 Communications project manager in the pharmaceuticals development department of the Roche Group, based in Basel, Switzerland

Technology Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 09:30Technology brunch sponsored by Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 12:00Welcome receptionPlenary
12:00 - 13:30Where Do We Come From?Plenary
14:00 - 16:30TomorrowPlenary
18:00 - 18:30ResponsibilityPlenary
18:30 - 19:30First-world know-how, third-world solutions: a comparison of outcomePlenary
19:30 - 21:30Evening reception, sponsored by Alcatel AustriaSocial


07:00 - 13:30Working Group 01: Technological Potentials for Achieving Climate Protection Goals with or without Kyoto-Protocol RatificationBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 02: Low-Carbon Energy SupplyBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 03: New Forms of Organization: Best Practice-Methods of Change Management – the Art of Managing ChangeBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 04: Crossing Borders: Overcoming Barriers – Bridging Disciplines – Rethinking CulturesBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 05: Space Policy: A New Strategic Challenge for EuropeBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 06: From Vienna to Lisbon? – Challenges for Innovation Policy on EU and National Levels in the Light of the New EU Action Plan for Innovation and the Austrian Efforts for an Innovation StrategyBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 07: Man and Machine – Interactions in the Ambient Intelligent SocietyBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 08: Security and IdentificationBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 09: Lost in Technology? – Women Careers in Research and TechnologyBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 10: Challenges of Regenerative MedicineBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 11: Telematics in Transport – Opportunities for a Mobile SocietyBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 12: MyLifeBits – Digital Immortality and its LimitsBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Special Event 1: Cooperation in South East Europe – Programs, Projects, InitiativesBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Special Event 2: The Politics of Technology: A Primer on Innovative Developments that Governments Should Embrace to Kick-Start GNPBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Special Event 3: Medical Schools in the International Context – Challenges and OpportunitiesBreakout
14:00 - 15:00Science Policy: the major players in science and research – competition and cooperation, conditions for success “Precompetitive Research”Plenary
15:00 - 16:00Science Policy: the major players in science and research – competition and cooperation, conditions for success “Competitive Research”Plenary
18:00 - 20:00Information transfer and processingPlenary


07:00 - 07:45The Ig Nobel PrizesPlenary
07:45 - 08:00Alpbach 2004 – My personal resuméePlenary
08:00 - 08:30Alpbach 2004 – resumée Junior AlpbachPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Seeing Beyond the Light: Technology and Patient s Benefit on the Example of Molecular ImagingPlenary
10:30 - 11:15Closing statementPlenary
11:30 - 12:00Farewell reception sponsored by Microsoft AustriaSocial