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Special Event: From the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe to the Regional Cooperation Council – A New Momentum for the Western Balkans’ Perspective in Higher Education and Research?

Hotel Böglerhof
Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Significant progress has been made on regional cooperation with the countries of South East Europe assuming responsibility for the Regional Cooperation Council, a regionally owned cooperation framework building on the achievements of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. Five priority areas for cooperation have been defined for the RCC encompassing economic and social development, infrastructure, justice and home affairs, security cooperation and building human capital with parliamentary cooperation as an overarching theme.
This special event will give a short overview of the developments and the achievements in higher education and research in the Western Balkan Countries both in the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe and in the context of the European Perspective for the region and will discuss the potential for the region offered by the  Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council.

Vorsitzender, IDM - Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien
Director General, Division for General Education, Educational Planning and International Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Vienna
Advisor, Ministry of Science, Technology and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Strategic Research Manager, ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna
Executive Director, National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia
Director General, Scientific Research and International Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna Chair
Advisor, Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna Coordination
Ehemals stellvertretende Sektionsleiterin sowie Leiterin, Abteilung II.6 - Internationale Forschungskooperationen, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien Coordination

Dr. Erhard BUSEK

Vorsitzender, IDM - Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien

1959-1963 Studium an der Universität Wien, Juridische Fakultät
1964-1968 Parlamentssekretär im Österreichischen Nationalrat
1966-1969 Vorsitzender des Österreichischen Bundesjugendringes
1972-1976 Generalsekretär des Österreichischen Wirtschaftsbundes
1975-1976 Generalsekretär der Österreichischen Volkspartei
1976-1978 Stadtrat in Wien
1976-1989 Landesparteiobmann der Wiener Volkspartei
1978-1987 Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter und Vizebürgermeister von Wien
1989-1994 Bundesminister für Wissenschaft und Forschung
1994-1995 Bundesminister für Unterricht und kulturelle Angelegenheiten
1991-1995 Vizekanzler der Republik Österreich und Bundesparteiobmann der Österreichischen Volkspartei
2000-2001 Regierungsbeauftragter der österreichischen Bundesregierung für EU-Erweiterungsfragen
2002-2008 Sonderkoordinator des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa
2004-2005 Vizepräsident des Vienna Economic Forums (VEF)
2008-2009 Berater des Außenministers der Tschechischen Regierung in Fragen des westlichen Balkans während der EU-Präsidentschaft 1. Hälfte 2009
2000-2012 Präsident des Europäischen Forums Alpbach
2005-2014 Vorsitzender der ERSTE Stiftung
 Aktuelle Funktionen:
seit 1995 Vorsitzender des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM)
seit 1996 Koordinator der Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI)
seit 2005 Präsident des Vienna Economic Forums (VEF)
seit 2008 Vorsitzender des Universitätsrates, Medizinische Universität Wien
Jean Monnet Chair ad personam
seit 2009 Präsident des Herbert-Batliner-Europainstituts
seit 2010 Präsident des EU-Russia Centre

Dr. Anton DOBART

Director General, Division for General Education, Educational Planning and International Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Vienna

 Lehramt für Volksschulen und Hauptschulen
 Lehramt für Pädagogik an Pädagogischen Akademien
 Studium der Philosophie, Erziehungswissenschaft und Politikwissenschaft (Dr. phil.)
1970-1980 Lehrer an einer Hauptschule in Wien
1980-1987 Mitarbeiter im Zentrum für Schulentwicklung (verantwortlich für Schulentwicklung, Evaluation und Lehrerfortbildung)
1988-1990 Leiter der Abteilung für Bildungsplanung und Schulentwicklung
seit 1990 Leiter des Zentrums für Schulentwicklung
seit 1992 Leiter der Sektion für Allgemein bildendes Schulwesen, Bildungsplanung und internationale Angelegenheiten

Dr. Klaus SCHUCH

Strategic Research Manager, ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna

 Studied Geography and Economic Sciences; History and Social Sciences at the University of Vienna
1987-1992 Research fellow, Department of Economic Geography, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics and Austrian Research Centres Seibersdorf
1992-1994 Research Assistant, Department of Economic and Social Geography, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics
1992-1995 Lecturer, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics and Johannes Kepler University in Linz
1994-1996 Head, branch office Sofia, OSI - Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria
1996-2001 Head, unit for Third Country Co-operation, BIT - Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation in Vienna/Austria (INCO-NCP)
1997 Lecturer, master class "Central and Eastern Europe", Vienna University of Business and Economics
  Topic: Transformation of the Economic Geography and Regional Development in the CEECs
1998 Lecturer, Regional Competitiveness, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1999 Consultant, PHARE-Project "Polish Participation in EU-RTD Programmes", Poland
since 2001 Senior Researcher, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), Vienna (Managing Director from 2002-2012)
since 2006 Lecturer, "Design, Evaluation and Monitoring", University of Vienna
Lecturer, postgraduate SOQUA course for vocational education in social scientific research
2012 Member of the International STI Cooperation Expert Group of DG Research and Innovation

Dr. Albena VUTSOVA

Executive Director, National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia

since 1991 National Science Fund, General secretary
1993-1996 University of world economy-Sofia, Study of Financial Management
1999 HRK Germany and ERASMUS University Netherlands, NATO-Internship on Research evaluation
since 1999 Coordination Council of Association at the Council of Ministers, Head of Work Group 17 for EU association
  negotiations on Chapter 17 "Science and Researches"
Ministry of education and Science, National Coordinator for EU Sixth Framework Programme
2002 Twente University, Course for European research evaluation
2004 Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC)
 Ministry of Education and Science, Director Department "Scientific research and projects"


Director General, Scientific Research and International Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna

 Barbara Weitgruber was founding staff member and Director of the Office for International Relations and lecturer at Karl-Franzens Universität Graz and then Director of the Office for European Educational Co-operation of the Austrian Academic Exchange Service in Vienna. In December 1994 she joined the Austrian Ministry in charge of higher education and research as Director and later became Deputy Director General for Higher Education and Director General for Scientific Research and International Relations. Weitgruber holds a Master degree in English/American and Interdisciplinary Studies, a Certificate in Mass Media and a Translator´s Diploma in English from Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz and an M.A. in Communications from the University of Illinois in Chicago where she started her professional career as a Fulbright Scholarship Holder and Teaching Assistant. She is - among others - member of the Task Force for Research, Technology and Innovation of the Austrian Federal Government, the Austrian Fulbright Commission, the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, the European "Research Policy Group" and chair of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria.

Dr. Anneliese STOKLASKA

Ehemals stellvertretende Sektionsleiterin sowie Leiterin, Abteilung II.6 - Internationale Forschungskooperationen, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien

1970-1971 Austrian newspaper "Kurier"
1971-1991 Administrative Assistant, Vienna University of Technology
1984 Ph.D. Degree, Medieval History, University of Vienna
1991 Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
1994-2011 Head, Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
2009-2011 Deputy Director General, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research

Technology Forum

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 10:30Technology brunch hosted by Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 11:20Opening by the European Forum AlpbachPlenary
11:20 - 12:00Plenary sessionPlenary
12:00 - 12:30Plenary sessionPlenary
13:00 - 13:45Ethics of sciencePlenary
13:45 - 14:30Stem cellsPlenary
15:00 - 16:00Politics and science – Advice through sciencePlenary
18:00 - 19:30BionicsPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Reception hosted by Alcatel-Lucent Austria AGSocial


07:00 - 14:00Working Group 01: From basic research to economic valueBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 02: Research integrity in scienceBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 03: The myths of life sciences and their consequencesBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 04: Aviation and the environmentBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 05: Think Tanks in AustriaBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 06: Gender mainstreaming in science and development. Perceive realities and decide visionarilyBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 07: Success factor human resources – Regions in competitionBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 08: Climate change – The future of transportBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 09: The governance of applied research: responsibilities, independence and resourcesBreakout
07:00 - 14:00Working Group 10: Digital healthcareBreakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Science and technology for young peopleBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and technology for kidsBreakout
08:00 - 14:00Working Group 11: Energy efficiency – Recognizing opportunities, utilizing potentialsBreakout
08:00 - 13:00Special Event: From the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe to the Regional Cooperation Council – A New Momentum for the Western Balkans’ Perspective in Higher Education and Research?Breakout
14:30 - 15:15The frontiers of science, part IPlenary
15:15 - 16:30Global competition for global talentsPlenary
18:00 - 19:30Information and communications infrastructures – The nerve centres of modern societiesPlenary


08:00 - 08:30Science education for a science-driven societyPlenary
08:30 - 09:15The frontiers of science, part IIPlenary
09:15 - 09:45The future of the environment and agriculturePlenary
10:00 - 10:15Junior Alpbach and Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach 2008Plenary
10:15 - 11:15Improbable Research and the Ig Nobel prizePlenary
11:15 - 12:00Snack reception, hosted by AVL List GmbHSocial