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Special Lecture on “Internet Governance”

Plenary /
German and English language

The World Wide Web is structured in a decentralised and non-hierarchical way. Yet, to which extent is governance in the web required and permissible? Who might be responsible for this kind of governance? Which problems arise in the field of “internet governance” and what are possible solutions?

Chief Security Officer, ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Los Angeles
Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge; Senior Adviser, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna Chair

BA, MSc Alexander KLIMBURG

Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge; Senior Adviser, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna

 Since joining the oiip in October 2006, Alexander Klimburg has acted as an advisor to a number of different governments and international organizations on various issues within cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), and EU Common and Foreign Security Policy (CFSP). Mr. Klimburg has partaken in international and intergovernmental discussions, has acted as an advisor to the Austrian delegation at the OSCE, and has been a member of various European and international policy and working groups. He regularly advises on national and European cybersecurity legislation. Before joining the Institute, Mr. Klimburg worked in IT-related consulting and finance in Europe and Asia. He holds a BA degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and received his MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London).