04: The Cycle of Innovation and its Ecology
Innovation follows the cycle of “creative destruction” (Schumpeter). Resilience Science and Cultural Theory models show that different stages of the innovation cycle require different “characters”: scientists, entrepreneurs, visionaries, etc. Computational science shows that these “different characters” apply different search strategies to solving problems. Citizen and Community Science as a broker within this ecology of innovation has a special (practical) role.
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Dr. Harald MAHRER
Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna
1995-1997 | Chairman, Austrian National Students Union, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
1997-2000 | Research Assistant, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
2000-2005 | Managing Director, legend Consulting GmbH |
2006-2010 | Founder and Managing Director, Pleon Publico Public Relations & Lobbying |
2011-2012 | Founder and Managing Director, cumclave Unternehmensberatung |
2011-2014 | Managing Director, Tauern Holding |
2014-2017 | State Secretary, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy |
since 2017 | Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy |
Dr. Aletta BONN
Professor and Head, Department of Ecosystem Services, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Chair, Ecosystem Services, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena; Project Lead, GEWISS - Citizens Create Knowledge (BürGEr schaffen WISSen); Leipzig
2000 | PhD in Conservation Biology, Technische Universität Braunschweig |
2001-2003 | Postdoctoral Research Associate (DAAD) University of Sheffield |
2003-2009 | Research Manager, Peak District National Park, UK |
2003-2011 | Honorary Research Associate, University of Sheffield, UK |
2009-2012 | Research Manager, IUCN UK Peatland Programme, York, UK |
2012-2013 | Research Fellow, Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin |
2012-2014 | Research Fellow, Helmholtz - Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig |
Assistant Professor, iSchool - Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
2000-2002 | Research Scholar, Carnegie Mellon University, ICES - Institute for Complex Engineered Systems |
2003 | M.A., Communication Science, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden |
2003-2006 | Software Developer and Research Associate, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science |
2007 | M.S., COS - Computation, Organizations and Society, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA |
2012 | Ph.D., COS - Computation, Organizations and Society, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA |
2012-2016 | Teaching, Different Courses, iSchool, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
since 2012 | Assistant Professor, iSchool - Graduate School of Library and Information Science and Faculty Affiliate, Department of CS - Computer Science, ITI - Information Trust Institute, I3 - Illinois Informatics Institute, UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Ph.D. Brian D. FATH
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Research Scholar, Advanced Systems Analysis, Young Scientists Summer Program, IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Towson, MD
Professor, Biology Dept., Towson University, Maryland, USA; Research Scholar, Advanced Systems Analysis Program, IIASA, Austria | |
Since 2009 Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Ecological Modelling. present | |
Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Ecology 2nd Edition | |
Since 2009 Visiting faculty, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China | |
Since 2011 Scientific Coordinator, Young Scientists Summer Program, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria | |
Since 2013 Guest Professor, State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
Ph.D. Michael THOMPSON
Senior Research Scholar, Risk Policy and Vulnerability Program, IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg
1960-1961 | Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Part I of BSc General (Chemistry, Pure Mathematics and Statistics), University of London (External) |
1962-1965 | BSc (Special) Anthropology, University College London |
1965-1968 | BLitt Social Anthropology, Corpus Christi College, Oxford |
1973-1976 | PhD Anthropology , University College London |
1979-1980 | Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Policy and Management Research, Santa Monica, California, USA |
1980-1985 | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Laxenburg, Austria |
1985-1987 | Institute for Management Research and Development, The Business School, University of Warwick, UK |
since 1987 | Selfemployed, The Musgrave Institute, London |
since 1995 | Professor II, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Research Centre in Management and Organisation (LOS Centre), Bergen (now Reorganised into the Rokkan Centre) |
Ing. Dr. phil. Verena WINIWARTER
Professor for Environmenal History, Institute of Social Ecology, University of Klagenfurt
1981 | Engineer (Ing.) of technical chemistry, HTLBVA 17, Vienna |
1991 | MA in History, University of Vienna |
1998 | PhD in Environmental History, University of Vienna |
2003 | Habilitation in Human Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Vienna |
2007 | Professor in Environmental History, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt |
Mag. Dr. Harald KATZMAIR
Founder and Director, FASresearch, Vienna
Studies in Sociology and Philosophy, University of Vienna | |
1992-2000 | Research Assistant, Institute for Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business |
1995-1997 | Research Associate, Institute for Sociology, Faculty of Social- and Business Sciences, University of Vienna |
1997-2002 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FAS - Forschungsgesellschaft für angewandte Sozial- und Strukturanalyse OEG, Vienna |
since 2002 | Founder; Head of Science; Chief Executive Officer, FAS.research Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.,Vienna |
since 2013 | Vice-president, NEIN ZU KRANK UND ARM Foundation |
since 2015 | Member, Supervisory Board, FWF - Austrian Science Fund, Vienna |