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06: Digitization in Industry – Design Options from the Perspective of Works Councils and Management

Breakout /
in deutscher Sprache

Digitization creates the space to shape business processes, work organization and working activities. Automation of (sub)tasks, new fields of work, different workflows and changes in responsibilities create additional opportunities. In- and outsourcing also have to be discussed anew. Technological change is a controversial social process; how we shape this and to what end is up to us. Together with scientists and representatives from management, works councils and the audience we will discuss how to shape and organize such processes in business, how to safeguard jobs and how to identify the stumbling blocks as well as the drivers for mutual success.

Head, Works Council Manual Workers, D. Swarovski KG, Wattens
Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Head, Technology Management Complete Vehicle Manufacturing, MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG, Graz
Managing Director, Fill Gesellschaft m.b.H., Gurten
Professor, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology; Dean of Studies for Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
Head, Works Council Manual Workers, Innio Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG; Regional Chairman, PRO-GE Tyrol, Innsbruck
Managing Director, Association Industry 4.0 Austria - the Platform for Smart Production, Vienna Chair
Head, Expert Group "The Human in the Digital Factory", Association Industry 4.0 Austria - the Platform for Smart Production, Vienna Chair
Innovation Expert, Department of Economic Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour, Vienna Coordination



Head, Works Council Manual Workers, D. Swarovski KG, Wattens

1982 Lehre, KFZ-Techniker, Schwarz
1989 Arbeiter in der Glasherstellung, Swarovski, Schwaz
1993 Gewählter Arbeiterbetriebsrat, Swarovski, Schwaz
seit 2013 Vorsitzender, Arbeiterbetriebsrat, Swarovski, Schwaz


Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

 Born 1959 in Graz, Austria
1983 Magister in commercial sciences, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
1983-1985 Postgraduate programme in sociology, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Vienna
1986-1990 Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
1989 Doctorate, social sciences and economics
1991 Visiting research fellow and lecturer, University of Central Lancashire
1991-2013 Research director of FORBA (Working Life Research Centre), Vienna
2003 Habilitation, University of Vienna (Economic Sociology)
since 2013 Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

Christoph KRAMMER

Head, Technology Management Complete Vehicle Manufacturing, MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG, Graz

1999-2002 Chassis Design Engineer, Magna Steyr, Graz
2002-2004 SE-Teamleader, Magna Steyr, Graz
2004-2007 Group Leader, Engineering Exterior & SE-Teamleader, Magna Steyr, Graz
2007-2010 Head of Engineering Exterior, Magna Steyr, Graz
2010 Product Manager, SLS AMG GT3 Painted Body, Magna Steyr, Graz
2010-2013 Product Manager, Composite Fiber Modules, Magna Steyr, Graz
since 2013 Technology Management, Complete Vehicle Manufacturing, Magna Steyr, Graz

Wolfgang RATHNER

Managing Director, Fill Gesellschaft m.b.H., Gurten

1970-1974 Lehre als Maschinenschlosser
1974 Lehrabschlussprüfung
1979-1981 Meister Werkzeugbau
1981-1985 Meister Produktion und Fertigung/mech. Bearbeitung
1985-1992 Leiter Arbeitsvorbereitung
1993-1999 Leiter Logistik; Stellvertreter Geschäftsleitung
seit 2001 Geschäftsführer


Professor, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology; Dean of Studies for Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna

 Director of the Center of Informatics and Society, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Visiting Professor, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
 Dean for Academic Affairs of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Head of the Multidisciplinary Design & User Research, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Associate Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Dean for Academic Affairs of Business Informatics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Second Vice Chair, Equals Opportunities Group, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
 Owner, Tellioglu KG
 System analyst and specialist at AT&T Global Information Solutions GmbH, Vienna

Patrik TIROF

Head, Works Council Manual Workers, Innio Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG; Regional Chairman, PRO-GE Tyrol, Innsbruck

2000-2004 Lehre zum Elektrobetriebstechniker mit Prozessleittechnik, INNIO JENBACHER GMBH & CO OG, Jenbach
2004-2012 Facharbeiter Zentralprüfstand Motorenprüfung, INNIO JENBACHER GMBH & CO OG, Jenbach
2005-2007 Werksmeisterschule Elektrotechnik, BFI Innsbruck
seit 2007 Betriebsrat, Arbeiterbetriebsrat, INNIO JENBACHER GMBH & CO OG, Jenbach
2012 Mediator für Arbeitnehmer-Arbeitgeber Mediation, Inmedio Berlin
seit 2012 Betriebsratsvorsitzender der Arbeiter, INNIO JENBACHER GMBH & CO OG, Jenbach
seit 2013 Landesvorsitzender, PRO-GE Tirol, Innsbruck
2016-2017 Zertifikatslehrgang Personalmanagement, MCI Innsbruck


Managing Director, Association Industry 4.0 Austria - the Platform for Smart Production, Vienna

2000-2004 Consultant, Technologie Impulse Gesellschaft/Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna
2004-2011 Senior Policy Adivisor, Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna
2011-2015 Director of Public Private Affairs, AVL List GmbH, Graz
seit 2015 Managing Director, Association Industry 4.0 Austria - the Platform for Smart Production, Vienna


Head, Expert Group "The Human in the Digital Factory", Association Industry 4.0 Austria - the Platform for Smart Production, Vienna

seit 1999 Künstler- und Werbeagentur Franz Griesbacher
seit 2000 ÖGB:
 Jugendsekretär ÖGJ und GMTN (Steiermark und Wien)
 Betriebsbetreuender Sekretär PRO-GE
 derzeit: Sekretärin für Wirtschaftspolitik, Betriebswirtschaft und Industrie 4.0 PRO-GE
2008-2013 Berufsbegleitendes Studium (BA, MA)
seit 2010 Aufsichtsrätin fair-finance AG
seit 2016 Mitglied des AMA-Kontrollausschusses
seit 2017 Leiterin der ExpertInnengruppe Mensch in der digitalen Fabrik (Plattform Industrie 4.0)

Mag. Miron PASSWEG

Innovation Expert, Department of Economic Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour, Vienna

 Graduate, HTL Wien Schellinggasse (telecommunications and electronics), Vienna
 Master degree, Economics, University of Vienna
1986-1987 WIFO Institute of Economic Research, Vienna
since 1987 Economic Expert, Department of Economic Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour, Vienna

Technology Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


11:00 - 11:30Open doors: #ART TEC: Interfaces between Art, Technology and ScienceCulture
11:00 - 11:30Start of Exhibition TEC-Xperience RoomPartner
11:30 - 12:30Die Presse TalkPartner
13:00 - 13:10Welcome and OpeningPlenary
13:10 - 14:00RTI TalkPlenary
14:30 - 16:00Artificial Intelligence and CybersecurityPlenary
16:20 - 17:30Artificial Intelligence and RoboticsPlenary
20:15 - 21:15Tickets to Berlin: Falling Walls Lab Austria & Summer School on EntrepreneurshipPlenary
21:30 - 23:30Evening ReceptionSocial


08:30 - 09:00TU Austria Innovation Marathon: Ideas Made to Order – 24 Hours NonstopPlenary
09:00 - 18:00Junior Alpbach – Science and Technology for Young PeopleBreakout
09:00 - 15:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for KidsBreakout
09:15 - 10:30Developing Future Leaders for Science and BusinessPlenary
10:45 - 12:15Arizona Dreams: An Initiative of Arizona State University to Digitize EducationPlenary
12:30 - 13:15Lunch Snacks for the Participants of the Breakout SessionsSocial
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 01: Artificial Intelligence and Governance: Liberty, Trust, SecurityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 02: Cybersecurity, Privacy, Ethics – Opportunities and Threats for a Digital SocietyBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 03: How Much Liberty Does a Society Need?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 04: Artificial Intelligence – RIT for Austria as an Industrial LocationBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 05: (Why) Do We Need Art to Innovate?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 06: Digitization in Industry – Design Options from the Perspective of Works Councils and ManagementBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 07: Liberty and Security – The First Victims of Digitization?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 08: Better Safe than Sorry? Living and Doing Business Between Comfort – Speed – SecurityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 09: Free Play of Innovative Forces or Systematic Restructuring?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 10: Technology Offensive – A Boost for Innovation and ProsperityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 11: Mixed Reality – A Digital Rendering of the Real World in the “Virtual House of Digitization”Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 12: Artificial Intelligence – Technology of the FutureBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 13: Democratized Electricity Market: Liberty at the Expense of Security?Breakout
18:30 - 20:00Tour of the Exhibition #ART TEC: Interfaces between Art, Technology and ScienceCulture
19:30 - 20:00Snack Reception for the Participants of the Career LoungeSocial
20:00 - 21:30Career Lounge for Students and Young ProfessionalsPlenary


09:00 - 11:00Bioeconomy – Essential for the Future and Security of MankindPlenary
11:30 - 13:10If You Could Read My Mind…Plenary
13:10 - 13:15Closing remarksPlenary
13:15 - 14:00Snack ReceptionSocial