13: Democratized Electricity Market: Liberty at the Expense of Security?
Supported by APG - Austrian Power Grid AG
The electricity market has changed dramatically in the past two decades due to deregulation. The energy transition with the expansion of renewable energies gives rise to fundamental changes. The increasingly decentralized power generation structures are opening new opportunities for all players: new players and new roles are being created (for instance, so-called “prosumers”, consumers who are also producers). Yet the new developments also pose massive challenges for the secure supply of electricity (in terms of stability and predictability). In the final analysis, who will take responsibility within the electricity system for the security of supply? Does the market regulate it, or do we need a new legal framework?
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Dipl.-Ing. Josef SACHER
Vice President Power Supply, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz
1989 | Master degree in Technical Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz |
1985-1989 | Teaching Assistant, Institute for Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz |
1990-1998 | Engineer, Heat Technology and Energy Management, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz |
1998-2000 | General Management Energy Economy, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz |
since 2000 | Vice President Power Supply; Head of Power Plant, Power Distribution Grid and Energy Management, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz |
Chief Executive Officer, Energie Kompass GmbH, Stegersbach
Andreas Schneemann attended the HTBLA Pinkafeld, specialising in process engineering as well as the Donau University Krems and the Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt, graduated with a Master of Science degree in Energy Autarchy and Implementation. In 2005 he founded his first company, developing projects such as the photovoltaic platform Sonnenkraftwerk Burgenland and the Smart City projects Loadshift Oberwart and Speichercluster Südburgenland. In 2017 he initiated the innovation laboratory act4.energy - an innovation initiative to create a digital renewable energy system. As a goal-oriented entrepreneur he offers innovative services and long-term relationships based on handshake quality and mutual trust. |
Executive Director, Energie-Control Austria; Vice President, CEER - Council of European Energy Regulators, Vienna
Mr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch is Executive Director of the Austrian regulatory authority for energy. He has been Vice President of CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators) since November 2018. Since 2013, he has held the position of Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Energy Community. From 2001 to 2016, Mr. Urbantschitsch was Head of the Legal Department of E-Control. In parallel, from 2011 to 2016, he was also a member of the Board of Appeal of ACER (the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators). He obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Graz/Austria and earned a master’s degree (LL.M.) from the College of Europe in Bruges/Belgium. Before joining E-Control, Mr. Urbantschitsch worked as a legal advisor at the Austrian Federal Constitutional Court, at the Austrian regulatory authority for telecommunication and as a research assistant. Mr. Urbantschitsch is author of numerous publications on energy law as well as constitutional and administrative law. He is a lecturer at universities and other institutions. |
Department Head Section Business, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
Member of the Board, Austrian Power Grid AG, Vienna
Dipl.Ing. Mag. (FH) Gerhard Christiner acquired his degree in electrical engineering, major in power systems and electricity economics at the University of Technology Graz as well as in Marketing and Sales at the University of Applied Sciences of Vienna Economic Chamber. After working for Verbundplan GmbH and Energie Control Austria GmbH Gerhard Christiner joined Verbund Austrian Power Grid AG in 2002 and was head of the department for Operational Management until 2006. Thereafter he became the head of the department "Asset Management". Since 01.01.2012 he is member of the management board (CTO) at Austrian Power Grid AG. | |
Furthermore, Gerhard Christiner is member of several committees in Austria and/or abroad. |