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Developing Future Leaders for Science and Business

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache

High potentials, top performers, competent rebels – the competition for the brightest is the key challenge for enterprises, research facilities and other institutions. Together with renowned experts we will discuss the following questions: What are the strategies to find, develop and retain the very best talent? How can we increase diversity? How can we gain a successful global position? What role is played by the personality of talents and what does young talents expect today?

President, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Berlin Welcome
Film director and freelance author, Berlin
Member of Parliament, German Bundestag, Berlin; Former Board Member, Deutsche Telekom AG and Continental AG, Bonn
Professor of Physics and President, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development; Chair, ERA Council Forum Austria, Vienna Chair

Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Otmar D. WIESTLER

President, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Berlin

1975-1981 Medical school, University of Freiburg, Germany
1981 Final medical exam, University of Freiburg, Germany
Medical license, Landesärztekammer Südbaden
1982-1984 Residency training in neuropathology, University of Freiburg
1984 MD degree, University of Freiburg
1984-1987 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego
1987-1989 Residency training in neuropathology, Institute of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, University of Zürich
1989-1992 Senior resident in neuropathology, Institute of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, University of Zürich / Switzerland
1992-2003 Professor of Neuropathology, Head of the Department of Neuropathology, University of Bonn Medical Center
1994-2003 Head, German Brain Tumor Reference Center, Bonn
1994-1999 Member, Executive Committee, University of Bonn Medical Center
1994-2003 Coordinator, Collaborative Research Center for Clinical & Molecular Neurobiology, University of Bonn
1995-2003 Chairman, BONFOR research committee, University of Bonn Medical Center
1996-2004 Elected member Pathology Board, German Research Council (DFG)
Member of the Medical Advisory Board, German Cancer Aid
1997 Appointment as Head of the Department of Neuropathology, Charité Medical Center, Humboldt University Berlin (declined)
1998-1999 President, German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy
2000-2004 Head of the Review Board Theoretical Medicine, German Research Council
2001-2003 Vice-Coordinator, Transregional Collaborative Research Center Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsies, Universities of Bonn, Berlin, Freiburg and Magdeburg 2001-2012 Review Panel Member, NCCR Neural Plasticity & Repair, Zürich
2001 Election to the German Life Science Academy Leopoldina
2002-2003 Chief Scientific Officer, Neuroscience Technology Platform LIFE & BRAIN, University of Bonn Medical Center
Chairman of the Board, Competence Network for Stem Cell Research, State of Northrhine Westfalia
2004-2015 Chairman and Scientific Member, Management Board Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg
2004-2014 Chairman of the Advisory Board, Deutsche Krebshilfe
since 2004 Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Krebshilfe
Member Board of Trustees, Meyenburg Foundation, Heidelberg
2004-2010 Coordinator, Brain Tumor Network, National Genome Research Network 2
2004-2012 Member Scientific Advisory Board and Board of Trustees, German Institute for Nutrition Research, Potsdam
2004-2008 Member Scientific Advisory Board, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
since 2004 Member Board of Trustees, Heinrich F.C. Behr Foundation
since 2005 Member Board of Trustees, Alois Hirdt-Erben und Wieland-Stiftung
2005-2012 Coordinator of Biomedical Research, Helmholtz Association
since 2006 Member Board of Trustees, Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt
2007-2014 Member Board of Trustees , Hertie-Institut für Klinische Hirnforschung, Tübingen
since 2007 Member Board of Trustees, Georg-Speyer-Haus, Frankfurt
2007-2012 Vice President, Helmholtz Association
2007-2011 Member, Advisory Board Molecular Diagnostics, Siemens Medical Solutions
Member, Founding Committee, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
since 2009 Member, Scientific Committee Hansen Family Award Bayer
since 2010 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Institute Gustave Roussy, Villejuif/Paris
Member, International Scientific Advisory Board, INCA Paris
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Bayer Healthcare Berlin
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, University of Cologne
since 2011 Coordinator, German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research
since 2012 Member of the European Academy of Tumor Immunology
since 2014 Member of Supervisory Board, BAYER AG
since 2015 Chair of SAB of National Sequencing Center
President of the Helmhotz Association in Berlin
since 2016 Member of the Supervisory Board, Berlin Institute of Health


Film director and freelance author, Berlin

 Julia Friedrichs, geboren 1979, studierte Journalismus in Dortmund und Brüssel. Seitdem arbeitet sie als Autorin von Reportagen und Dokumentationen für den WDR und das ZDF und schreibt für die ZEIT. Sie hat mehrere Bücher verfasst, unter anderem die Bestseller "Gestatten: Elite" (2008) und "Wir Erben. Was Geld mit Menschen macht" (2015), zuletzt: "Gebrauchsanweisung für Werder Bremen" (2018). Seit 2017 ist sie Autorin des Redaktionsteams Docupy. Sie hat für ihre Arbeit zahlreiche Preise gewonnen, zuletzt den Grimme-Preis für die Docupy-Reihe "Ungleichland".

Dr. h.c. Thomas SATTELBERGER

Member of Parliament, German Bundestag, Berlin; Former Board Member, Deutsche Telekom AG and Continental AG, Bonn

1999-2003 Vorstand, Lufthansa-Passage, Frankfurt am Main
2003-2007 Vorstand, Continental AG, Hannover
2007-2012 Personalvorstand, Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn
seit 2008 Vorstandsvorsitzender, Nationale Initiative MINT Zukunft e.V., Berlin

Dr. Daniel ZAJFMAN

Professor of Physics and President, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

1980-1983 B.Sc. in Physics
1983-1989 Ph.D. in Atomic/Molecular Physics
1989-1991 Post-Doc Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory, USA
1991-1996 Senior Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science
1996-2003 Associate Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science
since 2002 Head of the Physics Service Unit, Weizmann Institute of Science
since 2003 Full Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science
since 2005 Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
2006 President, Weizmann Institute of Science


Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development; Chair, ERA Council Forum Austria, Vienna

1959 Doctorate in Jurisprudence, University of Vienna
1969 Ph.D. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York
1996-2002 Professor of Philosophy and Science and Technology Studies, ETH Zurich
  Teaching and Research Positions at the Institute for Advanced Study, Vienna; King's College, Cambridge; University of Bielefeld; Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin; Ecole des Hautes Etudes et Sciences Sociales, Paris; Science Center for Social Sciences, Berlin; Collegium Budapest
1998-2004 Director, "Collegium Helveticum", ETH Zurich
2001-2006 Chair, EURAB - European Research Advisory Board of the European Commission
2002-2004 Director, Branco Weiss Fellowship Programme "Society in Science"
2005-2011 Chair, Scientific Advisory Board of the University of Vienna
2007-2010 Vice-President ERC - European Research Council
2010-2013 President, ERC - European Research Council
  Professor em., Science and Technology Studies, ETH Zurich

Technology Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


11:00 - 11:30Open doors: #ART TEC: Interfaces between Art, Technology and ScienceCulture
11:00 - 11:30Start of Exhibition TEC-Xperience RoomPartner
11:30 - 12:30Die Presse TalkPartner
13:00 - 13:10Welcome and OpeningPlenary
13:10 - 14:00RTI TalkPlenary
14:30 - 16:00Artificial Intelligence and CybersecurityPlenary
16:20 - 17:30Artificial Intelligence and RoboticsPlenary
20:15 - 21:15Tickets to Berlin: Falling Walls Lab Austria & Summer School on EntrepreneurshipPlenary
21:30 - 23:30Evening ReceptionSocial


08:30 - 09:00TU Austria Innovation Marathon: Ideas Made to Order – 24 Hours NonstopPlenary
09:00 - 18:00Junior Alpbach – Science and Technology for Young PeopleBreakout
09:00 - 15:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for KidsBreakout
09:15 - 10:30Developing Future Leaders for Science and BusinessPlenary
10:45 - 12:15Arizona Dreams: An Initiative of Arizona State University to Digitize EducationPlenary
12:30 - 13:15Lunch Snacks for the Participants of the Breakout SessionsSocial
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 01: Artificial Intelligence and Governance: Liberty, Trust, SecurityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 02: Cybersecurity, Privacy, Ethics – Opportunities and Threats for a Digital SocietyBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 03: How Much Liberty Does a Society Need?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 04: Artificial Intelligence – RIT for Austria as an Industrial LocationBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 05: (Why) Do We Need Art to Innovate?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 06: Digitization in Industry – Design Options from the Perspective of Works Councils and ManagementBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 07: Liberty and Security – The First Victims of Digitization?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 08: Better Safe than Sorry? Living and Doing Business Between Comfort – Speed – SecurityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 09: Free Play of Innovative Forces or Systematic Restructuring?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 10: Technology Offensive – A Boost for Innovation and ProsperityBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 11: Mixed Reality – A Digital Rendering of the Real World in the “Virtual House of Digitization”Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 12: Artificial Intelligence – Technology of the FutureBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 13: Democratized Electricity Market: Liberty at the Expense of Security?Breakout
18:30 - 20:00Tour of the Exhibition #ART TEC: Interfaces between Art, Technology and ScienceCulture
19:30 - 20:00Snack Reception for the Participants of the Career LoungeSocial
20:00 - 21:30Career Lounge for Students and Young ProfessionalsPlenary


09:00 - 11:00Bioeconomy – Essential for the Future and Security of MankindPlenary
11:30 - 13:10If You Could Read My Mind…Plenary
13:10 - 13:15Closing remarksPlenary
13:15 - 14:00Snack ReceptionSocial