of young researchers
Young researchers with a connection to the European region will present the conclusions of their research on the topic of this year’s Tyrol Days “Sustainable mobility in the European region” to a jury of experts. They were nominated as finalists for the Euregio Young Researchers’ Award in a selection round prior to the Tyrol Days.
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Dr. MMag. Esther HAPPACHER
Associate Professor, Italian Public Law and Autonomy Rights, Institute of Italian Law, University of Innsbruck
1984-1989 | Diploma in Italian Law (Mag.iur.), University of Innsbruck |
1986-1991 | Diploma in Translation (Italian/French/German, Mag. phil.), University of Innsbruck |
1991-1998 | Civil servant, Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Südtirol, Department of European Affairs |
1992 | Stagiaire at the European Commission, Directorate General Regional Policies, Trans- and interregional cooperation sector, Brussels |
1994-1998 | Assistant to the Governor of South Tyrol at the Committee of Regions, Brussels |
1998-2010 | Researcher in Italian Constitutional Law at the Institute of Public law/Institute of Italian Law (since 2006) |
1999 | PhD in European Law and Italian Constitutional Law, University of Innsbruck |
2002 | LL.M. in European Law, Innsbruck/Schloss Hofen |
2010 | Habilitation in Italian Constitutional Law and Autonomy Law of South Tyrol at the University of Innsbruck |
since 2010 | Associate Professor (ao. Univ.-Prof.) at the Faculty of Law, University of Innsbruck |
DI Dr. Markus MAILER
Head, Institute for Infrastructure and Intelligent Transport Systems, University of Innsbruck
Dr. Ing. Helmuth MORODER
Mobility Expert, Bolzano/Bozen
Dr. Thomas UßMÜLLER
Dr. Siegfried WALCH
Head of Department, Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
1988-1994 | Business Administration, Social and Economic Sciences Faculty of the University of Innsbruck |
Member, Interdisciplinary Research Group for Sustainable Tourism, Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck | |
1994-1998 | Ph.D., Institute for Service Marketing, Free University of Berlin |
1996-2009 | Co-founder and Managing Partner - Consulting & Leadership Training - SVWP Communication Management Ltd. |
since 2005 | Professor and Head of Department "Nonprofit, Social & Health Management", MCI Management Center Innsbruck |
since 2012 | Co-initiator and Board Member, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree European Health Economics & Management, organized by Erasmus University Rotterdam, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, University of Oslo & University of Bologna |
Professor, Political Economy, Insitute for Finance, University of Innsbruck
1973-1977 | Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre/Statistik an der Universität Konstanz |
1982 | Promotion zum Dr.oec.publ., Universität Zürich |
1990 | Habilitation im Gebiet Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an den Universitäten Zürich und Konstanz (u. a. im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft) | |
1984-1985 | Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin |
1992 | Heisenberg-Stipendiatin |
1992-1994 | Assistenzprofessur für Forstliche Ressourcenökonomie an der ETH Zürich |
1994 | Professur (C3) für Finanzwissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
seit 1994 | Ordinaria für Politische Ökonomie/Finanzwissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck |