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Perspectives on freedom

Schrödinger Saal
Plenary /
German and English language

Miklos Haraszti:
International organizations work relatively outside the national political processes – this is what makes the word “strategy” somewhat applicable to them. Only when all member states have pledged to the nice principles of democracy has the time arrived for the kind of strategies that – for example – people fighting against death penalty used. (If it were left to individual countries, very few of them would adopt a ban on death penalty…) Quality-of-freedom type strategies have the best chances to succeed in the world of free expression, free press, and free media; like the campaigns to make public broadcasting a transparent business; or decriminalise libel; or repeal insult laws; or provide access to data of public interest; or remove arbitrariness from classifications. Where international accord about principles is less manifest, like in the case of limits of free speech, strategies have to be more modest, and dilemmatizing the issue is already a success…

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna
Coordinator, Institute for Minority Rights, European Academy of Bolzano-Bozen
Generaldirektor, SRG SSR - Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Zürich Chair


OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna

1964-1970 Philosophy and Literature, M.A., Budapest
1970-1971 Put under "Police surveillance", machine-operator in a Hungarian tractor factory
1976 Co-founder of the Hungarian Democratic Opposition Movement
1980 Editor of the samizdat periodical BeszélQ
1989 Participation in the "round table" negotiations on transition to free elections
1990-1994 Member of the Hungarian Parliament
since 1994 Guest professor on human rights, censorship, democratization, freedom of the media
1998 Northwestern University's Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
1997-2004 Parliament-elected Board Member of Hungarian Radio and Television

Dr. Günther RAUTZ

Coordinator, Institute for Minority Rights, European Academy of Bolzano-Bozen

 Absolvent der juridischen Fakultät der Universität Graz und theologisch-philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck
 Forschungsprojekte an der juridischen Fakultät der Universität Bari und "La Sapienza" Roma
 Absolvent des Medienkundlichen Lehrganges der Universität Graz
 Minderheitenexperte und Koordinator im Forschungsbereich "Minderheiten und Autonomien" der Europäischen Akademie Bozen (EURAC)


Generaldirektor, SRG SSR - Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Zürich

1976 Abschluss, Wirtschaftsstudium, St. Gallen
1992-1997 Chefredakteur des Zürcher "Tages-Anzeigers" und Mitglied der Tamedia-Unternehmensleitung
1997-2000 Chefredakteur, Die Zeit, Hamburg
seit 2000 Publizist in Zürich und Berlin
seit 2001 Gastprofessor am Europa-Kolleg, Brügge und Warschau
seit 2002 Moderator der TV-Sendung "Sternstunden" (SF1 und 3SAT)
seit 2004 Chairman of the Board, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies HEID, Genf
seit 2010 Generaldirektor SRG SSR, Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Bern
 Dozent, College of Europe, Brügge und Warschau/Natolin
 Stiftungsrat Internationaler Karlspreis Aachen
 Groupe de veille France-Allemagne, Institut Montaigne Paris
 Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Zeitschrift "Critique internationale", Paris
 Herausgeber der außenpolitischen Buchreihe "Standpunkte" (Edition Körber-Stiftung Hamburg)
 Kuratorium Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung Stuttgart