Urban Innovators Challenge – Start Up Your Company
Supported by Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, AustriaTech, FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency and AplusB Incubator Network Austria
What are the successful ideas of today? What is necessary for an innovative cooperation? Are the experiences and the network of established enterprises decisive for being successful in the market? To achieve more together and to create rewards for both sides – this is the goal of this year’s Urban Innovators Challenge, focusing on possible cooperation initiatives between start-ups and established enterprises.
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DI Valentine TROI
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, superTEX composites GmbH, Telfs
1995 | Diplom in Querflöte am Konservatorium "Claudio Monteverdi", Bozen |
1996-2004 | Diplomstudium Architektur, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck |
2003 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für experimentelle Architektur, studio3, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck |
2004 | Freischaffende Architektin, Innsbruck |
2006 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für experimentelle Architektur, Hochbau, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck |
2010 | Gründung und spinn off Einzelunternhemen superTEX, Telfs |
seit 2011 | Geschäftsführung superTEX composites GmbH, Telfs |