Urban Investments
Local, regional und international investment
Local and international public and private investors are active and instrumental in the development of the six cities as places of business, living, research, recreation, arts and entertainment. Their activities affect the infrastructure (transport, energy, utilities), housing, business (trade, services, industries) and the leisure, arts and entertainment industries.
This section aims to provoke images and discussions on the requirements, interests, experience and challenges resulting from the specific conditions of each city, and to produce statements on the interaction of public and private investors in the cities.
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Dr. Iuliu Cosmin COMAN
Strategy Director, City Hall, Iasi
1987-1991 | Mathematics-Physics, "C. Negruzzi" National College, Iasi |
1991-1996 | Faculty of Economy and Business Management, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi |
1993-1994 | TEMPUS scholarship of 10 months at the Palma de Mallorca University, Spain |
1996 | Economist at Sales Department, S.C. ZIMBRU S.A., Iasi |
1996-1997 | Faculty of Economic Sciences, Master Degree, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi |
Collaborator of Management - Marketing Department within the Faculty of Economic Sciences - "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi | |
1997 | Economist at Sales Department, S.C. IASICONF S.A., Iasi |
1997-1998 | Economist at Tariffs, Price and Economic Analysis Department, R.A.J.A.C., Iasi |
1998-2000 | Head of Strategy - Marketing Department, R.A.J.A.C., Iasi |
2000-2003 | General Manager Assistant Director R.A.J.A.C., Iasi |
2003-2004 | Head of Research, Development, Strategy Office - Iasi City Hall |
since 2004 | Faculty of Economy and Business Management, Doctor in Economy, "Al. l. Cuza" University, Iasi |
2004-2005 | Head of Mayor`s Office - Iasi City Hall |
2005-2006 | Executive Director - Iasi City Hall |
2006 | Communication Director - Iasi City Hall |
since 2006 | Strategy Director - Iasi City Hall |
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd GAISWINKLER
Vorstand, Porr Projekt und Hochbau Aktiengesellschaft, Wien
Bauingenieurstudium an der TU Graz und ETH Zürich | |
Langjährige Erfahrung in Abwicklung und Entwicklung von nationalen und internationalen Hochbauprojekten | |
Seit mehr als 10 Jahren als Geschäftsführer bzw. Vorstand von internationalen Konzernen schwerpunktmäßig in den CEE und SEE-Staaten tätig |
Mitglied des Vorstandes, Sparte Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, Unternehmensbereich Europa, STRABAG AG, Wien
Bauingenieurstudium | |
Doktorratsstudium | |
Bau- und Projektleiter im Ingenieur- und Tunnelbau | |
Leiter der Abteilung Claim Management |
Dr. Gerhard SCHUSTER
Chief Executive Officer, wien 3420 aspern development AG, Vienna
1978-1982 | Studies of Law, University of Salzburg |
1983-1985 | Labour and Welfare Law Advisor, Lower Austrian Chamber of Labour |
1985-1995 | Head of Department Consumer Protection, Federal Ministry of Environment Protection |
1995-2012 | Housing Finance Expert and Managing Director of S-Wohnbauträger, ERSTE Bank |
1996-2013 | Chief Executive Officer, BUWOG - Bauen und Wohnen GmbH |
since 2014 | Chief Executive Officer, Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG, Vienna |
Ismail UNAL
Mayor of Besiktas, Istanbul
Ismail Unal is the Mayor of Besiktas since the last local elections in April 2004. He was born in Akseki, Antalya, which is one of the major cities of Turkey in the Mediterranean cost. Throughout his education he attended schools in Istanbul and graduated as an architect in 1977 from the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts. Already in 1973 Ismail Unal started his political career in the Peoples Republican Party as a member of a youth organization. Starting to work as a free-lance architect in 1980 he designed and developed large scale housing projects, industrial buildings and organized industrial sites and worked in close relationship with municipalities and local authorities. In many visits to foreign countries, he had the chance to observe the city life in modern societies and study municipal services and projects. Between 1992-94 Ismail Unal was elected as a member of Administration Board to Besiktas Sports Club and subsequently was appointed as the Secretary General for the years 2002-2004. |
PhD. Econometrics Oktay VARLIER
Board Member, Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK), Istanbul
1965 | Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara / Turkey, B.A. in Economics and Finance |
1967 | Vanderbilt University, Nashville-Tennessee / U.S.A., MA in Economic Development |
1967-1978 | Expert, Economic Planning Department, Prime Ministry State Planning Organisation (on leave during studies at |
University of Manchester and during Military Service) | |
1970 | University of Manchester, Department of Econometrics, Manchester / U.K., MA in Econometrics |
1974-1978 | Director, Research Division, Social Planning Department, Prime Ministry State Planning Organisation (SPO) |
1978-1979 | Chairman, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries |
1978-1980 | President, Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Ankara |
1979-1980 | Chairman, National Productivity Centre |
1980-1983 | Lecturer, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, Ankara |
1982 | Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara/Turkey, Phd. in Econometrics |
1983-1985 | Managing Director, NASA, Construction and Trade Inc., Izmir / Turkey |
1988-1993 | Chairman, Belek Tourism Investors Association, Ankara / Turkey (Development of 28,000 touristic bed capacity |
resort hotels, including area planning, infrastructure and super structure, in South Coast of Turkey) | |
1998-2001 | Member of the Board, Turkish Contractors Association (TMB) |
1999-2004 | Vice President, The Turkish Employers' Union Association of Construction Industries (INTES) |
2001-2004 | President, Economic and Financial Affairs Committee (TUSIAD) |
Member of the Board, Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen s Association (TUSIAD) | |
At Present: | |
Investment and Business Development Coordinator, Mart1 Hotels and Marinas | |
Board Member, Alarko Contracting Group, ISTANBUL | |
Chairman of High Advisory Council, The Turkish Tourism Investors Association | |
Member of the Board, Foreign Economic Relations Board (DE0K) | |
Vice-Chairman, Turkish-Eurasian Business Council | |
Chairman, Turkish-Kazakh Business Council | |
Member of the Board, The Turkish Employers' Union of Construction Industries Association (INTES) | |
Chairman, Auditing Committee, Confederation of Turkish Employers Unions Association (TISK) |
Dr. Gerfried SPERL
Consulting editor, Der Standard, Wien
Studium der Germanistik, Anglistik und Philosophie an der Universität Graz | |
bis 1982 | Journalist der "Kleinen Zeitung" |
1982-1987 | Chefredakteur der "Südost-Tagespost" |
1987-1988 | Stellvertretender Chefredakteur des "Kurier" |
1988 | Mitbegründer des "Standard" |
1992-2007 | Geschäftsführender Chefredakteur der Tageszeitung "Der Standard" |