Simply Alpbach – Vernissage: Eva Schlegel
Shuttle: 18:30 Hotel Böglerhof - Galerie Schmidt, 20:45 Galerie Schmidt - Hotel Böglerhof
2015 marks the 20th year of cooperation between the European Forum Alpbach and Gallery Schmidt in Reith. Gottfried Schmidt presents Eva Schlegel, an internationally successful artist from Tyrol.
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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz FISCHLER
President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
1973-1979 | Research Assistant, Institute for Agricultural Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna |
1978 | Doctorate, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna |
1979-1984 | Executive Assistant, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck |
1985-1989 | Director, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck |
1989-1994 | Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna |
1995-2004 | European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Brussels |
2005-2011 | Chairman, Ecosocial Forum Europe, Vienna |
2005-2015 | Chairman, RISE-Foundation, Brussels |
2014-2015 | Chairman of the Steering Committee of the EU scientific programme for Expo Milano 2015 |
since 2012 | President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna |
since 2016 | President, Board of Trustees to the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna |
Ing. Gottfried SCHMIDT
Director, Galerie Schmidt, Reith i. Alpbachtal
seit 1996 | Galerist in Reith - Galerie Schmidt |
seit 2001 | Galerist in Hall in Tirol - Galerie "Goldener Engel" |
2016 | 21. Ausstellung für das Europäische Forum Alpbach in der Galerie Schmidt |
Artist, Vienna
1979-1985 | Studies under Oswald Oberhuber at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna |
1997-2006 | Professor for Art and Photography at Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna |
since 1991 | a multitude of exhibitions in a variety of countries worldwide of which the most recent are: |
2010 | "In Between", MAK Vienna; Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna; "Island, Nexus" Kunsthalle Saalfelden, "His/Her Nature" |
Galerie Fortlaan, Gent | |
2011 | FOTOHOF, Salzburg (with Franz Graf und Manfred Wakolbinger); "Höhenrausch.2" OK, Linz; "Der weibliche Blick", |
FOTO-RAUM, Vienna | |
Commissioner of Austria's Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale | |
2012 | Soloproject Art Brussels; GALLERYSKE, Bangalore; Space-related art showcase, ETTAS - Topical Team, |
"Die Nacht im Zwielicht" Belvedere, /21er Haus, Vienna | |
2013 | "Sublimate Sublime, Subliminal" The Lloyds Club, the Underdog Gallery, London; Maker Maxity, Mumbai; |
"Sex, Money and Power" Art Center Maison Particulière, Brussels; "Wolken" Leopold Museum, Vienna, Museum of | |
Contemporary art, Chicago; ESA Topical Team - Human Spaceflight Research, European Space Agency, Noordwijk | |
2014 | "no mans heaven", MAMM, Moscow; Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco |
2015 | "Vienna for Art´s Sake", Winterpalais, Vienna; Galerie Schmidt, Reith |
Curator, Innsbruck
Studierte Kunstgeschichte, Germanistik und Philosophie in Innsbruck und Wien | |
1968-1979 | Gründer und Leiter des "Forum für aktuelle Kunst" in Innsbruck |
1980-1998 | Direktor des Frankfurter Kunstvereins |
1998-2001 | Direktor der Sammlung Rupertinum, Salzburg |
2001-2007 | Direktor der "Galleria d' Arte Moderna", Bologna |