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Views on Turkey in Europe and Perception of the Europe in Turkey

Plenary /
Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.
Vorstandvorsitzender des Institute for European Affairs (INEA)
Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna

Ph.D. Ahmet EVIN

Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.

1966 B.A. Columbia University
1971-1972 Lecturer, New York University
1972-1973 Taught at Harvard University
1973 Ph.D. Columbia University
1973-1974 Fellow, Harvard University
1974-1976 Taught at Hacettepe University, Ankara
1977-1986 Taught at the University of Pennsylvania
1983-1986 Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania
1985-1986 Professor, University of Hamburg
1986-1992 Director of Education, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Paris and Geneva
1992-1993 Head, Ankara Corporate Affairs Office, Philip Morris International
1994-1995 Visiting Professor, University of Hamburg
1994 Initiated a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, Turkey s place in that architecture, EU enlargement, and the effects of the customs union agreement with Turkey. Based on that initiative he established, in cooperation with a broad network of European research institutes and universities, Turkey s EU Membership Observatory now based at the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University
1995-1997 Professor of Political Science, Bilkent, Ankara (also headed 1995-96 the Department of Political Science and Public Administration)
since 2007 Senior Faculty, Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul
2001 Founding and Executive Board Member of the Istanbul Policy Center
2004 Visiting Professor, Northwestern University
2004-2005 Alexander Onassis senior fellow and visiting scholar at ELIAMEP: the Hellenic Foundation for European Foreign Policy, Athens
since 2009 Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington. D.C.

Dr. Jürgen GRAMKE

Vorstandvorsitzender des Institute for European Affairs (INEA)

 Geboren 1939
 Juristisches Studium und Großes Juristisches Staatsexamen. Promoviert über "Raumordnung in Deutschland an der Universität in Kiel.
 Nach Tätigkeit in der Landesregierung von Schleswig-Holstein ab 1970 Verwaltungschef der Stadt Altena (1978)
 In dieser Zeit Präsidiumsmitglied des Deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebundes, Mitglied der Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung; zahlreiche Funktionen in Aufsichtsräten, in Verwaltungsräten und in Beiräten
1978  1994 Verwaltungschef im Ruhrgebiet (Region mit Großstädten, 4 kreisen, 5,5 Miio. Einwohnern).
 Funktionsbezeichnung: Verbandsdirektor des Kommunalverbandes Ruhrgebiet
 Seit 1980 Lehrbeauftragter an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
 Seit 1985 Professor im Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft/Sozialwissenschaften.
1981 Gründer und von 1981  1996 Vereinsvorsitzender des Vereins  pro Ruhrgebiet
 Seit Ende 1996 Ehrenvorsitzender dieser in Europa einmaligen Public-private-Partnership
1988 Mitgründer und Koordinator des Initiativkreises Ruhrgebiet der deutschen Wirtschaft.
1990 Gründer und Vorsitzender des Vereins  pro Brandenburg .
 Seit 1994 Ehrenvorsitzender
1993 Vorsitzender des Baltica Forums in Deutschland
1994 Minister für Wirtschaft und Technologie des Landes Sachsen  Anhalt
1995 Vorstandvorsitzender des Institute for European Affairs (INEA)


Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna

1967 Doctorate in Law, University of Vienna
1968-1973 Assistant to Kurt W. Rothschild, Institute for General Economics and Public Economics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
1972-1973 ACSL Fellow, Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge
1973 Tenure-track professorship, General Economics and Public Economics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Call to TH Darmstadt, Chair in Public Economics
1974-1981 Full Professor and Head, Institute of Finance, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
1981-2008 Full Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business (successor to Stephan Koren), partly on leave, Vienna
2003-2005 Vice Rector, Financial Affairs, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
2008 Honorary doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences, Alpen-Adria-University, Klagenfurt
 Business activities
1971-1979 Member and later President, Governing Board of PSK - Österreichische Postsparkasse, Expert on cartel matters, Cartel Court of the Superior Land Court, Vienna
1999-2003 Vice-President and Member of the Management Committee, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
2006-2007 Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft
since 2008 Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank
 Political activities
1978-1999 Member, Austrian Parliament
1980-1987 Deputy Chairman, Scientific Committee
1985-1999 Chairman, Finance Committee