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From Reconciliation to Integration: What the Young Can Contribute to a Common Future

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Can the transformative power of Europe deliver substantive results in regions like Southeastern Europe, where the memory of wars and violent conflicts is still present? What can the youth do to help to overcome the differences of the past and create new narratives of unity?

Member, Forum Alpbach Network, London
Senior Researcher, oiip - Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna; Lecturer, University of Vienna
President of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
President of the Republic of Albania, Tirana
Country Director, Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence, BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Belgrade
Correspondent, Israel and Palestine Territories, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tel Aviv Chair

Dr. Almina BESIC

Member, Forum Alpbach Network, London

2007-2010 Master's Degree in Management and International Business and Master's Degree in Financial and Industrial Management, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Graz
2008-2010 Undergraduate Associate, University of Graz
since 2010 Doctoral Programme in Social and Economic Sciences and Doctoral Programme South-Eastern Europe, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Graz
Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Graz
2012-2014 Research Fellow at the ERSTE Foundation
Lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management Essen, Medical University of Graz

Dr. Vedran DZIHIC

Senior Researcher, oiip - Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna; Lecturer, University of Vienna

1995-1999 Study of Political Sciences, Communication Sciences, History, University of Vienna
1999 M.A., University of Vienna
1999-2000 Researcher. UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Vienna
1999-2002 Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
1999-2008 Consultant, United Nations Organization, lectures on various UN-topics, United Nations Office in Vienna
2001-2003 Researcher, Office for Science of the City of Vienna; Holder, Forschungsstipendium der Stadt Wien
2002-2004 Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
2003-2005 Leading Researcher, project "Reporting of Western Print Media about the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina", founded by the Austrian National Bank, Vienna
Researcher, Project of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) conducted within the NODE-framwork (Perspectives of the EU-Enlargement for the Western Balkans), Vienna
since 2003 Various lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Media Activities in the USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Sweden, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, China
since 2004 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Lecturer on Western Balkans and European Integration at the postgraduate MA-studies "Balkan-Studies"
2005-2006 Research Analyst, Association Bosnia-Herzegovina 2005
Project Leader and Senior Researcher, Project Design and Management, Coordination of Public activities in Austria, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia; Title of the Project: Imaginations of Europe, Comparing Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, New Orientations for Democracy in Europe (NODE), Vienna
since 2006 Director, Austrian Office of the Center for European Integration Strategies (CEIS)
  Lecturer, Department of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna
2008 Ph.D., University of Vienna
since 2008 Senior Researcher and Co-Chief of Party, Project: Transformation and Democratization of the Balkans
  Co-Chief of Party, Project: Europäisierung von Bosnien-Herzegovina, Kroatien und Serbien. Interne Voraussetzungen und Folgen eines (Nicht)EU-Beitritts
  Coordination of the Research Platform "POTREBA" (
2010 Establisment and Co-Leading of the "Kosovo-Study-Group" dealing with the EU-performance in Kosovo and the Western Balkans
2010-2011 Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR), Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
2010-2012 Co-Chief of Party - Research Project "Demokratie in sozial unsicheren Räumen. Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Migration und Demokratie in Serbien" (together with Prof. Dieter Segert and Prof. Heinz Fassmann)
since 2011 Non-Resident Senior Fellow, CTR, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
since 2012 Affiliated Researcher, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Co-Director of Center for Advanced Studies, South East Europe


President of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina

2000-2009 Various Positions, Police of Kosovo
2006-2007 Postgraduate Certification Programme in Police Management and Penal law, University of Leicester
2007 Postgraduate Certification in Crime Science, University of Virginia
2009-2011 Deputy General Director, Police of Kosovo
since 2011 President of the Republic of Kosovo


President of the Republic of Albania, Tirana

1988 Higher education, Tirana Scanderbeg Military Academy
1988-1993 Pedagogue, Tirana Scanderbeg Military Academy
1993-1994 Director of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence of Albania
1994-1996 NATO Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania
1996 Cabinet of the Minister of Defence of Albania
Graduate studies, Defence Resources Management, California
1997 Chairman, Euro-Atlantic Military Men and Women Forum
2001-2003 Secretary, Tirana Democratic Party Branch
2003-2005 Member, Tirana Municipal Council
2004 Law Degree, Justice Faculty, Tirana University
2005 Master Degree in European Studies, School of European Studies, Tirana University
Member, Democratic Party National Council, and Member, Central Leadership, Democratic Party National Council
2005-2012 Member of Parliament, Tirana
2007-2009 Minister of the Interior, Government of the Republic of Albania
2009-2011 Minister of Justice, Government of the Republic of Albania
2011-2012 Minister of the Interior, Government of the Republic of Albania
since 2012 President of the Republic of Albania


Country Director, Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence, BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Belgrade

1995-2002 BA (Hons); Post-graduate Academic Specialist Studies, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade University
1999-2002 Journalist, Radio Free Europe
2000 Short-term Assistant, Transparency International
2002 Freelance Journalist and Fixer, Studio B, Blic, National Public Radio, New York Times
2002-2003 Assistant to the Executive Secretary, Stability Pact for SEE
2003-2004 Journalist, Mreza Production Group
2004-2006 Project Coordinator, Media Fund, European Agency for Reconstruction
2006-2007 Programme Manager, Minority Media Training and Reporting Project, BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
since 2007 Serbia Country Director, BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Belgrade


Correspondent, Israel and Palestine Territories, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tel Aviv

 Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, born in 1971, has been with the Süddeutsche Zeitung since September 2017 and reports on Israel and the Palestinian territories. Before that, she was editor-in-chief for ten years and later co-editor of the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard and the news portal She has studied journalism, political science and history and earned her doctorate on the dual broadcasting system in Germany. Furthermore, she was 2005 Reuters/APA-Geiringer-Fellow in Oxford. She was awarded with the Austrian Kurt-Vorhofer-Prize for politcal journalism, the Constitutional Award and the Ari-Rath-Prize. In addition, she was instrumental in the reestablishment of the Press Council in Austria.

Political Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


09:00 - 10:30Not Just an IslandCulture
12:00 - 13:30OpeningPlenary
14:00 - 15:30The EU and Its Neighbours: Opportunities and Challenges for the Eastern PartnershipPlenary
16:00 - 17:30The European Union in Search of a New NarrativePlenary
17:30 - 18:00Curator’s Talk: Art in the Margin of War – War in the Margin of ArtCulture
19:00 - 20:30“Kakanien – New Homelands” Goes Alpbach: And Nobody’s There to Understand the Language You’re Screaming In…Culture


07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 01: Citizens’ Trust vs Distrust: Scenarios for the Future of DemocracyBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 02: Social Cohesion in a Wider EuropeBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 03: The EU and Turkey: Energising CooperationBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 04: The European Union and Its NeighboursBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 05: Never Mind the Gap – Overcoming the East-West Divide in the OSCEBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 06: International Disaster Preparedness and Response to Emergency and CrisisBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 16: A Young Look at EuropeBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 17: Success! The Do’s and Don’ts of Contemporary AdvocacyBreakout
10:00 - 11:00Lunch ReceptionSocial
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 07: Europe’s Next Generation in the Elections and BeyondBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 08: Brain Drain – Brain Gain: The Economic Potential of Migration in Modern Europe and in the PastBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 09: Beyond European CommunicationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 10: Digital Europe – Between Security and CooperationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 11: Europe’s Periphery at the Crossroads – Consequences for the Common Security and Defence PolicyBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 12: EU Enlargement Between Boldness and FatigueBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 13: Climate and Energy – Key Questions for the FutureBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 14: Future Energy Needs vs. Non-Proliferation PoliciesBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 15: The EU and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Balancing Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability?Breakout
14:30 - 16:00From Reconciliation to Integration: What the Young Can Contribute to a Common FuturePlenary
16:30 - 18:00Post-Conflict Countries in Transition: Reforming the Security SectorPlenary
18:30 - 20:00Bringing Ideas to Power: Towards a Democratic Consensus of Tomorrow?Plenary
20:00 - 21:30Integrated in Austria, Successful in the World – How Austrian Success Stories Are WrittenPartner


07:00 - 07:10Inequality and Sustainable Global Governance: IntroductionPlenary
07:10 - 08:30Generational InequalityPlenary
09:00 - 10:15Inequality in Energy and ClimatePlenary
10:15 - 10:30Closing RemarksPlenary