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Wall Street vs. Rule of Law: Are We Ruled by Law or the Economy?

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache

Is legislation losing its control function due to the dominant role of the economy? Which impact do global, national and regional economic conditions have on the legal system? Which role do economic interests play in legislation? How many rules can a free market economy bear?

Vice President and Chairman of the First Senate, Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, Karlsruhe Key Note
Former Board Director, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Member of the Supervisory Board, OeEB - Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (Development Bank of Austria), Vienna
Chief Executive Officer, Grawe Bankengruppe, Graz
Speaker of the Senate, ELI - European Law Institute; Former President, Supreme Court of Justice, Vienna Chair

Dr. Ferdinand KIRCHHOF

Vice President and Chairman of the First Senate, Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, Karlsruhe

1969-1971 Bundeswehr
1971-1985 Studium, Promotion ("Die Höhe der Gebühr") und Habilitation ("Private Rechtsetzung"), Freiburg, Heidelberg und Speyer
seit 1982 Lehrtätigkeiten, Saarbrücken, München, Speyer und Tübingen
seit 1986 Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Finanz- und Steuerrecht, Universität Tübingen
1989-1990 Dekan, Juristischen Fakultät
seit 1993 Jean-Monnet-Chair, EU "European Fiscal Law"
1999-2001 Prorektor, Universität Tübingen
2003-2004 gewählter Sachverständiger, Kommission von Bundestag und Bundesrat zur Modernisierung der bundesstaatlichen Ordnung (Föderalismuskommission)
2003-2007 Mitglied, Staatsgerichtshofs Baden-Württemberg
2006-2007 Vorstand, Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer
2006-2009 Lehrauftrag, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
seit 2007 Professeur invité, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Richter, Bundesverfassungsgerichts
seit 2010 Vizepräsident, Bundesverfassungsgerichts
 Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalte in Stellenbosch (Südafrika), Berkeley, Peking und Kyoto

Dr. Kurt BAYER

Former Board Director, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Member of the Supervisory Board, OeEB - Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (Development Bank of Austria), Vienna

 Studies in Law, Graz; International Relations, Johns Hopkins Bologna Center; Economics, University of Maryland
1971-1995 Researcher and Board Member, Austrian Institute of Economic Research
1995-2008 Deputy Director General, Austrian Ministry of Finance
2002-2004 Board Director, World Bank
2008-2012 Board Director, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

MBA Christian JAUK

Chief Executive Officer, Grawe Bankengruppe, Graz

1981-1993 Treasury Manager, Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG, Graz
1994-1997 Department manager responsible for Treasury and Capital Markets, WestLB (Austria) AG,Vienna
 Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG Group:
1997-2000 Managing Director, RBB Corporate Finance Consulting GmbH, Graz
since 2000 Member of the Board of Directors, Capital Bank - GRAWE Gruppe AG, Graz
since 2002 Chief Executive Officer, Capital Bank - GRAWE Gruppe AG, Graz
2004-2013 Chief Executive Officer, Brüll Kallmus Bank AG, Graz
2006-2008 Member of the Supervisory Board, Hypo Bank Burgenland AG, Eisenstadt
since 2008 Chief Executive Officer, GRAWE Bankengruppe

Dr. Irmgard GRISS

Speaker of the Senate, ELI - European Law Institute; Former President, Supreme Court of Justice, Vienna

1978 Bar exam
1975 LL.M., Harvard University
1974-1975 International Legal Studies, Harvard Law School
1970 LL.D.
1966-1970 Law studies, University of Graz
1971-1975 Department Assistant, University of Graz
1976-1979 Law clerk in the law firm Dr. Mosing, Vienna
1979-1980 Judge, Commercial District Court Vienna
1981-1987 Judge, Commercial Court Vienna
1987-1992 Judge, Court of Appeal Vienna
1993-2011 Judge, Austrian Supreme Court
2007-2011 President of the Supreme Court