Aims and Results of the EU Regional Development Policy
What is the political aim of the EU Regional Development Policy? What are the challenges in terms of challenging the inequality between the target regions? Representatives of European regions will discuss the effects of the Regional Development Policy.
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Dr. Dirk AHNER
Former Director-General for Regional Development, European Commission, Brussels
1978-1982 | Administrator, Directorate General for Agriculture |
1982-1987 | Member of Group of Advisers, Secretariat General, European Commission responsible for Agricultural, Environmental and Rural Development Questions |
1987-1991 | Assistant to the Director-General, Directorate General for Agriculture |
1991-1997 | Head of Unit, "Studies and overall approach", Directorate General for Agriculture |
1997-1998 | Director a.i., Economic Analysis and Prospective, Directorate General for Agriculture |
1998-2002 | Director, Directorate "Economic Analysis and Evaluation", Directorate General for Agriculture |
2003-2005 | Deputy Director-General, responsible for Economic Analysis, Evaluation and Rural Development, Directorate General for Agriculture |
2006 | Deputy Director-General, Rural Development, Directorate General for Agriculture |
since 2007 | Director-General, Directorate General Regional Policy |
Representative, Architect Office, City of Lodz
2005-2011 | Master's Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, Technical University of Lodz |
2010-2012 | Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Anthropology, University of Lodz |
since 2011 | PhD student, Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty, Technical University of Lodz |
City's Architect Office, The City of Lodz Office, Lodz | |
since 2012 | Team Coordinator, City's Architect Office, The City of Lodz Office, Lodz |
2013-2014 | Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Graphics and Painting, Academy of Fine Arts Lodz |
Managing Director, Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning, Vienna
1992-1997 | Universitätsassistent, Institut für Raumplanung und Ländliche Neuordnung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien |
seit 1995 | Universitätslektor, Arbeitsmethoden der Raumplanung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien |
1996-1997 | stellvertretender Institutsvorstand, Institut für Raumplanung und Ländliche Neuordnung, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien |
1997-2003 | Projektleiter, RaumUmwelt Planungs-GmbH, Wien |
seit 2001 | Lektor, Stadt- und Regionalplanung, FH Kärnten, Spittal/Drau |
seit 2003 | Projektleiter, Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung, Wien |
seit 2008 | Geschäftsführer, Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung, ÖIR GmbH, Wien |
seit 2013 | Universitätslektor, Umwelt- und Raumverträglichkeit, Technische Universität, Wien |