Science at the cutting edge
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Dr. Gerard 'T HOOFT
Nobel Laureate for Physics; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht University
Studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Utrecht | |
1969 | Staff member at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University, then Assistant Professor |
1976 | Morris Loeb Lecturer at Harvard University |
1976-1977 | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) at Stanford University |
since 1977 | Full professor at Utrecht University |
1988 | Guest professor of Boston University |
1989 | Guest professor of Duke University, Durham NC |
Simon Stevin Leerstoel, Antwerpen, Belgium |
Dr. Martin NOWAK
Professor of Mathematics and Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge
Studied Biochemistry and Mathematics at the University of Vienna. Ph.D with Karl Sigmund. Promotion sub auspiciis praesidentis. | |
1989-1998 | at the University of Oxford, first as Erwin Schroedinger scholar, then Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow |
1997 | Professor of Mathematical Biology |
1998-2003 | Director of the Program for Theoretical Biology, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
since 2003 | Professor of Mathematics and Biology, Harvard University, Director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics |
Freie Journalistin, Wien
1984-2009 | Ressort Innenpolitik in der Radio-Information, ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
1991-1997 | Ressortleiterin, ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
1997-2002 | Sendungsverantwortliche "Report", Moderation des politischen TV-Wochenmagazins des ORF "Report" |
1999 | Sendungsverantwortung für "Report International" |
2001 | Sendungsverantwortung für "Europa-Panorama" |
2002-2005 | Moderation von "Modern Times", des Zukunftsmagazins des ORF |
2002-2009 | Leiterin der Hauptabteilung "Bildung und Zeitgeschehen", ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
seit 2009 | Freie Journalistin und Moderatorin |