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14: Simulation: Stakeholder Conference on the Future of Energy

Breakout /
German and English language

Supported by VERBUND
Due to climate change, the dependence on energy imports and Germany’s nuclear power phase-out, energy policy is one of the greatest challenges for Europe. Simulating a high-level stakeholder conference in Brussels, this highly interactive working group will search for answers to the following questions: Which are the milestones until 2030 for a decarbonised, competitive and secure EU energy system? How do we ensure that the European energy infrastructure develops efficiently? How can we promote low-carbon investment in energy markets?

Chief Executive Officer, VERBUND AG, Vienna
Director Industrial Affairs, BUSINESSEUROPE, Brussels
Managing Director, Klimabündnis Österreich, Wien
Advisor, Energy Policy & Generation (Renewables), EURELECTRIC - Union of the Electric Industry, Brussels
Team Leader, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission, Brussels
Portfolio Entrepreneur; Former Chairman NEOS - The New Austria and Liberal Forum, Vienna Chair
Consultant, FASresearch, Vienna Chair

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang ANZENGRUBER

Chief Executive Officer, VERBUND AG, Vienna

1977-1982 Study of Mechanical Engineering and Business Management, Vienna University of Technology
1983-1999 Leading Positions with SGP Simmering Graz Pauker AG, SYSTEC Industrieautomation GmbH, ABB Industrie GmbH, ABB Energie AG and ABB Industrie- & Gebäudesysteme GmbH
1999-2000 Member of the Managing Board, Salzburger Stadtwerke AG
2000-2003 Member of the Managing Board, Salzburg AG
2003-2008 Chief Executive Officer, Palfinger AG
since 2009 Chief Executive Officer, VERBUND AG

Mag. Folker FRANZ

Director Industrial Affairs, BUSINESSEUROPE, Brussels

1993-1998 Studies in Economics, University of Konstanz and Université Paris Dauphine
1998-2002 Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, Berlin
since 2003 BUSINESSEUROPE, the Confederation of European Business, Brussels
since 2010 Director Industrial Affairs - in charge of EU climate, energy, industrial policies, BUSINESSEUROPE, the Confederation of European Business, Brussels

M.Sc. & MA. Pierre SCHLOSSER

Advisor, Energy Policy & Generation (Renewables), EURELECTRIC - Union of the Electric Industry, Brussels

2002-2007 Master of Economic Governance, Sciences Po Paris, Paris
2007-2008 Master of European Economic Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
2007 Trainee, DG ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels
2008-2011 Advisor for Networks, EURELECTRIC, Brussels


Team Leader, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission, Brussels

2002-2003 Master of European Politics and Administration, College of Europe, Bruges
2004-2005 Risk Controller, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance
2005-2010 Policy coordinator for International relations/Western Balkans, Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission, Brussels
since 2010 Advising the Director in charge of European Energy Strategy, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

Mag. Dr. Matthias STROLZ

Portfolio Entrepreneur; Former Chairman NEOS - The New Austria and Liberal Forum, Vienna

1991-1998 Studium Internationale Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Politikwissenschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
1993-2008 Ausbildungen und internationale Lehrgänge zum Management-Trainer und Systemischen Berater
1994-1995 International Marketing and Management, Dublin City University
1996-1998 Vorsitzender der Hochschülerschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
1997-2001 Freischaffender Trainer und Journalist
2000-2001 Parlamentarischer Mitarbeiter
2001-2003 Dissertation, IFF - Organisationsentwicklung, Universität Klagenfurt
2001-2008 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, ic2 consulting GmbH, Wien
2008-2012 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, promitto organisationsberatung GmbH, Wien
2013-2018 Klubvorsitzender, Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat, NEOS und LIF, Wien
seit 2002 Lehrbeauftragter, Universitäten und Master-Lehrgänge
seit 2012 Vorsitzender, NEOS - Das Neue Österreich, Wien

Mag. Katrin UHLIK

Consultant, FASresearch, Vienna

1995-2000 Freie Journalistin
1996-2008 Studium der Soziologie, Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Wien und University of Surrey Roehampton, London
1998-2003 Tutorin, Universität Wien
2002 Summer Associate, McKinsey
2003-2005 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut für Medizin- und Gesundheitssoziologie
2003-2006 Studienassistentin, Universität Wien
seit 2009 Beraterin, promitto organisations- und politikberatung gmbh

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:30OpeningPlenary
12:30 - 14:00Challenges to the Social Welfare State in EuropePlenary
14:30 - 16:30Making Social Welfare Systems More SustainablePlenary


07:00 - 08:30Reforming Social Welfare Systems: European Best PracticesPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Intergenerational JusticePlenary
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 01: Sozialleistung als geteilte Verantwortung?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 02: “Rule-Breaking”: Mit vertauschten Rollen zum neuen SozialsystemBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 03: Politik, Wirtschaft, Individuum: Wer trägt in Zukunft die soziale Verantwortung?Breakout
13:00 - 14:30Arbeitskreis 04: Dienstleistungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wettbewerb und GemeinwohlBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 05: Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen – Investitionen in einen effektiven SozialstaatBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 06: Wohlstand als Falle? Geht es uns (zu) gut?Breakout
13:00 - 14:30Arbeitskreis 07: Eigenverantwortung im GesundheitssystemBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 08: Das neue ArbeitenBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 09: Social Business – Soziale Probleme unternehmerisch lösen?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 10: Entscheidungssimulation: Vom Sponsoring zur Corporate Social ResponsibilityBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 12: Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich: Fit für die Zukunft oder reif fürs Museum?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Arbeitskreis 13: Citizenship Education und ökonomische Bildung in der (öko-)sozialen MarktwirtschaftBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 14: Simulation: Stakeholder Conference on the Future of EnergyBreakout
15:00 - 16:30Arbeitskreis 11: Wertvolle Arbeit – produktives Alter?Breakout
17:00 - 18:30Peter Drucker Special Lecture: Reality and Fiction in the World of ManagementPlenary
18:30 - 20:30Reception hosted by T-Mobile Austria GmbH and T-Systems Austria GmbHSocial


07:30 - 08:45Sustainable Financial and Social Welfare Policies in EuropePlenary
09:15 - 10:15Overcoming the Crisis by Strengthening EuropePlenary
10:15 - 10:30Closing StatementPlenary