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Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Welche weitreichenden Auswirkungen hatte die Idee der Aufklärung auf die Stadtplanung – eine thematische Zusammenführung von Stadtplanung und Philosophie bildet den Auftakt der Baukulturgespräche.

Vice President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna Welcome
Managing Director, Studio Calas, Vienna; Lecturer, University of Technology, Vienna Art
Architect, feld72; Lecturer, Faculty for Architecture and Planning, Technical University Vienna Art
Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University, New York Key Note
Independent Facilitator, Quest Associates, Bath Chair

Dr. Caspar EINEM

Vice President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1967-1971 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Wien
1972-1977 Bewährungshelfer in Wien und Salzburg, zuletzt verantwortlich für Finanzen und Organisation des Trägervereins
1978-1979 Mitarbeiter, Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut für Kriminalsoziologie
1980-1991 Arbeiterkammer Wien, darunter:
1980-1986 Mitarbeiter, Bereich Konsumentenpolitik und -beratung
1985-1986 Vorsitzender des Betriebsrates
1986-1991 Leiter der Kommunalpolitischen Abteilung
1991-1994 OMV AG
1991-1992 Leiter, Konzernstrategie, OMV AG
1992-1994 Direktor, Geschäftsbereichs Gas, OMV AG
1994 Berufung zum Staatssekretär im Bundeskanzleramt
1995-1997 Bundesminister, Inneres
1997-2000 Bundesminister, Wissenschaft und Verkehr
2000-2007 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat, Europasprecher der SPÖ,
  Mitglied im EU-Hauptausschuss, im Außenpolitischen Ausschuss und im Industrieausschuss
2000 Vertreter des österreichischen Nationalrates im Europäischen Grundrechtskonvent
2001-2007 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der SPÖ-Nationalratsfraktion
2002-2003 Vertreter des österreichischen Nationalrates im Europäischen Verfassungskonvent
2002-2008 Präsident des Bundes sozialdemokratischer AkademikerInnen, Intellektueller und KünstlerInnen
2005-2008 Präsident des CEEP - Europäischer Sozialpartnerverband und seiner österr. Sektion - Verband d. öffentl. Wirtschaft u. Gemeinwirtschaft
2007-2011 Vorstandsmitglied in einem privaten Luftverkehrsunternehmen
2011-2013 Aufsichtsratvorsitzender, Austro Control GmbH
seit 2004 Chefredakteur der sozialdemokratischen Monatszeitschrift ZUKUNFT
seit 2011 Präsident, oiip - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik
seit 2014 Vizepräsident, IHS - Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien
seit 2012 Vizepräsident, Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Wien

Dr., DI David CALAS

Managing Director, Studio Calas, Vienna; Lecturer, University of Technology, Vienna

 David Calas, architect, urbanist and former lecturer at the TU Vienna - Faculty of Architecture, operates between the blurring boundaries of urban planning, architecture, art and politics. Focus of his work at Studio Calas is the relation of design practice and socio-cultural process. The modus operandi concentrates on accessible and clearly communicated design approaches and the implementation of digital inquiry strategies.
1998 - 2003 Highschool for Surveyers P. Anich, Bolzano
2004 - 2006 Bachelor studies in Political Sciences sciocultural policies, participation, University of Vienna
2003 - 2008 Master degree in architecture, Technical University of Vienna
2011 State examination for architecture, IUAV Venice
2012 Auditor for sustainable certification, ÖGNI/DGNB
2016 - 2019 Doctoral Thesis, Urban co-creation in the digital age mobile participation and its sociocultural contex, Technical University of Vienna


Architect, feld72; Lecturer, Faculty for Architecture and Planning, Technical University Vienna

 Ralph Reisinger studied architecture in Innsbruck, Berlin and Vienna.
since 2004 he is working for different architectural offices in Germany and Austria, e.g. "die Baupiloten BDA" and "feld72". The main focus in his work is social, sustainable and participatory architecture with specialty in residential and educational building.
2005-2015 Art Science University of Innsbruck / Architecture University of Innsbruck, TU Berlin, TU Vienna
2004-2006 Self-employed activity
2007 Employee "ao architekten ZT GmbH"
2008-2009 Employee "die Baupiloten BDA"
since 2010 Self-employed activity in architecture and stage design
since 2011 Employee "feld72 Architekten ZT GmbH"
since 2015 Launch of "URBAN SYNC", mobile application for civic participation in urban planning
since 2016 Lecturer at the "Faculty for Architecture and Planning, TU Vienna"
Doctoral studies of engineering sciences / Architecture, research topic: Urban acting in the Digital Age, Power and Empowerment in Architecture

Ph.D. Saskia SASSEN

Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University, New York

 Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University (www.saskiasassen.com). She is the author of several books and the recipient of diverse awards and mentions, ranging from multiple doctor honoris causa to named lectures and being selected for various honors lists. Her new book is Expulsions: When complexity produces elementary brutalities. (Harvard University Press 2014)


Independent Facilitator, Quest Associates, Bath

 Peter Woodward is an experienced independent facilitator. He specialises in the design and delivery of effective participative processes through his own business, Quest Associates Ltd. Assignments range from helping small teams to develop a strategy through to major multi-stakeholder international conferences. Peter supports clients from all sectors including local citizen groups, business, through to the European Commission. He is particularly active with clients who are working towards social, environmental and economic sustainability goals. Recent clients include the European Sustainable Development Network, EC EcoAP Green Innovation programme, the UK Charity Bank, The European Business Network and the Church of England. He has established a special reputation for bringing energy, enjoyment and added value into the conference setting.


Timetable einblenden


08:00 - 09:30BuchpräsentationPlenary
11:00 - 12:00EröffnungPlenary
12:00 - 13:00Urbanisierung gestaltenPlenary
13:00 - 13:30PausengesprächPartner
13:30 - 15:00Stadt teilenPlenary
15:00 - 15:30PausengesprächPartner
15:30 - 17:30CocktailempfangSocial
17:30 - 18:00PausengesprächPartner


06:30 - 07:00PausengesprächPartner
07:00 - 07:45Wohnbau und soziale Verantwortung: EU-Perspektiven und österreichische PraxisPlenary
07:45 - 09:00Stadt planenPlenary
09:00 - 09:30PausengesprächPartner
09:30 - 11:00Stadt leitenPlenary
11:00 - 12:30PausengesprächPartner
12:30 - 14:00Stadt öffnenPlenary
14:30 - 15:50SchlusswortePlenary